Sponsor looking to rent 4 BR week of BBQ Fest

My team’s principal sponsor WordPress is looking to rent four bedrooms Downtown the week of BBQ Fest, as close to Tom Lee Park as possible. Ideally they would like to have them in one unit, or if not possible right next to each other, or barring that, nearby.

These are not kids coming down here to party. This is a company with 25 million websites using their software. They just work virtually rather than report to a cubicle every day. More power to them. They are professionals and I have no doubt they will take good care of your home or condo. I thought Internet access would be a big deal, but my local contact has told me they bring their connections with them. They just want someplace they can call home rather than hotel for a week.

Shoot me an email at paul@paulryburn.com if you have a place (or two) or know of one.

In other news, I played the 10:00 poker game tonight at the Goose. I was thrilled to see owner Daniel at my table. I enjoy playing him. I was not so thrilled when Daniel hit trip Sevens to take out my pair of Kings when my pre-flop AK paired. That’s poker though.

Bonus photo: Here’s Paula Raiford on the Ms. Pac-Man machine.