Yesterday I hung out at Panda Manda’s bar at Bardog until mid-afternoon. At that point I decided it was time for a trip to the Flying Saucer. I paid my tab, then wandered down Scratchy’s Alley and the Main Street Mall.
As I walked down the block of Main between Gayoso and Peabody Place, I looked in the window of Shop Girl New York, the women’s clothing boutique that just moved there from South Main. My friends Karen and Dennis were inside working and waved me in. It is really a beautiful shop. I asked if I could take some photos of the place and they said sure. (Click any photo for larger image)
Ladies, if you like what you see here, why not come visit Shop Girl and treat yourself to something new, or pick up a Christmas present for one of your girlfriends? Shop Girl is in the Pembroke Square building on the Main Street Mall just south of Gayoso, between the Center for Southern Folklore and the Blind Bear.