The Mississippi River is expected to crest this week at flood stage of 34 feet. But fear not, BBQ Fest goers; that’s still 14 feet below the 2011 level that forced the move to Tiger Lane. Tom Lee Park is safe this year.
In other river news the developers of Beale Street Landing have requested an increase in city funding. Because, you know, the project has been so incredibly cost-efficient and so much progress has been made already. Sure, let’s throw some more money at it! The taxpayers won’t mind! It’s being reported that the City Council had some tough questions about this request, and I don’t blame them; they wouldn’t be representing their constituents well if they didn’t.
There’s a good Google Doodle today. It’s a tribute to designer Saul Bass.
A new shop has opened in the Peabody. Lansky-The Accessory Shop. This shop will showcase women’s accessories to include jewelry, handbags, shoes, scarves, hats, and other trendy apparel. It will also enhance the shopping experience of the three other Lansky-branded shops in the hotel. It will be open seven days a week.
In honor of the Memphis Grizzlies’ playoff run, the Flying Saucer will sell a special Grizzlies pint glass tonight for Wednesday glass night. You can see a pic of it here. Glasses go on sale at 7 PM.
Plans for tonight: Some of the BBQ team leaders are going to be at the Blind Bear tonight, so I’m going to head up there and get the latest team news. Maybe I’ll do a BBQ post tomorrow. After I get done there I’ll walk over to the Saucer and have a look at the Grizzlies glass. Two and a half work days left until vacation!