This week I got to experience something most Memphians never do – Christmas at a local homeless shelter.
Tuesday morning, Christmas Eve, I walked Downtown with my new (to me) laptop and hopped on a Wi-Fi network to check my email. Then I walked back to the Union Mission at 10, beating the 11 AM deadline to get in free for the night. After chapel and lunch, I took a shower and changed into fresh clothes.
I tend to spend the hours before dinner in the hallway outside the Mission’s chapel, rather than in one of the main TV rooms. It’s quieter with few people around. Tuesday afternoon the supervisors and resident assistants were wheeling wrapped presents into the chapel.
Are those presents for us?, I wondered.
About 4:30 people started lining up for 5:00 dinner. Once the dining hall got full, one of the in-house pastors, Pastor R, called for “one accord.” That’s Mission speak for “everyone be quiet and listen.”
“We have turkey and dressing for dinner,” the pastor said. “After that we’ll have chapel, and thanks to generous donors, each of you will get a present. We have 322 donated presents, more than enough. If you don’t like your present, you can trade with another man or leave it to go in our supply closet.”
We wolfed down our food and headed to chapel. One of the men was playing Christmas songs on the piano. Pastor R wasn’t kidding – the stage was loaded with presents. Wrapped gift bags and boxes and tubs.
“I’m going to read you the Christmas story from Luke 2,” Pastor R said. “I’ll keep it to 5 to 7 minutes, I promise. Then we’ll hand out the presents.”
Row by row, we came up and supervisors handed each of us a present. Mine was a plastic tub. I took it out into the hallway and unwrapped it. It contained
- a knit cap
- socks
- an undershirt
- deodorant and other toiletries
- a word search puzzle book and pen
I decided to leave my gift for another man to take. There are people at the Mission who are completely destitute and need that stuff far more than I do. I did take the pen though.
Some of the men got shoes. I wonder how that worked, since shoes come in so many different sizes.
My Christmas Day plans took an unexpected turn, leaving me with nowhere to go and, because my phone was stolen last week, no way of knowing I had nowhere to go. I spent the hours of 10:15 to 11:30 pacing Poplar in front of the Mission.
… But, things have a way of working out.
Some ladies had set up a food buffet station on High Street on the east side of the Mission. When it became clear my ride wasn’t coming, I walked over there to investigate.
They made me a huge to-go box of turkey, ham, chicken, dressing, Hamburger Helper, cornbread, and cookies. It was a plentiful and delicious Christmas dinner.
I may not agree with the Mission’s in-house pastors on every little detail, but I agree with them on one thing…
The Lord provides.
Grateful. Blessed.
On to the news…
How bout them HAWGS with a 39-26 Liberty Bowl win over Texas Tech!
Stormy weather is expected today.
Ja Morant suffered a minor shoulder injury in last night’s win against New Orleans.
The Downtown Sheraton seeks a general manager.
Downtown Memphis Commission’s Blue Suede Brigade is hiring.
The Neon Mooners play New Year’s Eve at Loflin Yard. Classic country.
That’s all. Back soon with more news.
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