I saw an article on my Twitter feed this morning titled “What the Best Bloggers Do Right.” I didn’t click through to read it, but I imagine Tube Top Month was mentioned… and BBQ team flamethrowers…
(I mentioned the flamethrower )
Very important news: A chili cheese Fritos taco was spotted at the Taco Bell at Third and Crump. Thanks to @BradPee on Twitter for sharing this discovery.
Tonight is South Main Trolley Night, with many shops and galleries open until 9 or later. I don’t have too many details for this one, but I do know that “Almost Elton John” will perform at Love Pop Soda Shop this evening. There will be a special bus that will shuttle people back and forth from Peabody Place to G.E. Patterson from 6 to 8 PM.
Here’s the official Beale Street page for Sunday’s Wine Race. The Blind Bear has ordered me a shirt and I will be on the sidelines cheering the Bear on in all the events.
MemphisWeather.net says that storms may (not will, but may) fire up tomorrow similar to the ones Texas and Oklahoma had earlier this week. If they do materialize, they need to be kept an eye on. Keep that in mind if you are attending Wing Fest, Hopped, or any other outdoor event tomorrow.
High Ground News has a good article about the fight against blight Downtown. Memphis is taking one of the most aggressive approaches of any city.
Last night I stopped by the Silly Goose and Daniel showed me his latest invention: patio bingo.
That should be fun. All the cards have the same items but in different spots.
Going to hit Publish and take a quick walk before the rain moves in. My plan for tonight was to go to South Main Trolley Night (and I mean actually walk around and visit the shops, not sit at Max’s and drink PBR all evening like I usually do), but the weather forecast makes me think a Plan B is in order. If the rain this evening is what they say it is, Bardog will be my destination.