Damn interesting Saturday update

Here’s a site I found recently: Damn Interesting, and it IS damn interesting. Random articles about history, science, etc. Check it out and see if you like it.

Toby Sells from the Flyer has more information on our upcoming Downtown traffic nightmare when construction on the I-55/Riverside/Crump interchange begins next spring. At one point I-55 will be closed at McLemore and traffic re-routed onto ONE LANE EACH WAY Florida Street. Let me tell you, I have taken that route a couple of times when there have been wrecks farther north on 55 and it is not fun at all. Oh my God this is the stupidest idea ever. Bruce V from the Flyer – I know you read my blog. If it can be of any help fighting this plan, just ask. (By the way, Bruce V will be on Cerrito Live on 56 AM/ 87.7 FM today 11-1 and I have a feeling he will be ranting about this)

Oh also Riverside between Crump and Carolina will be closed for months. Wonder what that’ll do for the Horizon, the apartment building currently under construction, which I think was supposed to be completed and leasing by 2017.

I wonder what Bass Pro thinks of all this? People coming from the south hoping to visit the new flagship store are going to get to see a lot more of Memphis than they realized on the way there. Good thing they’ll be re-routed through the most beautiful parts of Memphis including McLemore Avenue and Florida Street.

On a better note, if you want to learn all about the upcoming changes to Central Station – changes for the better, including a movie theater and a grocery store – save the date June 23. Henry Turley will speak at the Downtown Neighborhood Association meeting about the project.

Here’s a recipe for a hollowed out pineapple stuffed with ribs and wrapped in bacon. Moody Ques cookteam: If one of these showed up on our serving table next May, I wouldn’t mind it. Normally I’m not a fan of dishes that combine meat and pineapple, but this is a case where I think I could learn to love.

The Bill O’Reilly and Dennis Miller Don’t Be a Pinhead Tour comes to the Orpheum tonight. Tickets start at $77.50.

For years the Silly Goose Lounge’s most loyal patron was Woody A. Long, who died in the winter of 2012-13 in a tragic sledding accident. A touching memorial service was held for him inside the lounge. Meet Woody Jr., who arrived at the Goose yesterday:

2015-06-05 18.17.00

As you can see, Woody Jr. is quite the fashion icon. He just arrived here after a tour in China that was so exhausting that he was seemingly left in pieces.

My presence has been requested at the Farmers Market by one of the vendors, and it will happen eventually, but for now I am going to have to extend my hiatus one more week. My apartment is so dirty that I’m either going to have to spend the morning cleaning it or make a sign that says LET’S JUST BE FRIENDS so that any woman I bring over here has a script to read from. Hopefully next week I will make it down there and hit the tandoori truck for some more of their delicious naan or maybe the beef curry.


Panda Time at 11, then I will figure out the rest of the day.