Exciting fresh produce news and more

As longtime readers of this blog know, I am a huge fan of fresh produce. If you are too, I have some very exciting news to share with you today. Whitton Farms, located about 30 miles from Downtown Memphis, is doing CSAs for 2016. What’s a CSA? It’s a subscription service where on a weekly basis, you can receive a bag of veggies and fruits, or a bag of floral items, fresh from the farm. You can pick up your bag Thursdays from 7 to 9 PM at Trolley Stop Market, or Saturdays 7 AM to 1 PM at the Memphis Farmers Market. Information on how it works and how to sign up can be found here. Limited to 50 subscribers. The farm does not use synthetic herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers.

This is going to make the Farmers Market feel like I’m opening Christmas presents every week this year. “Ooooh, this week I got some turnips! And some basil! And some eggplant too!” I am so jazzed about this!

UConn is in town to play the Memphis Tigers tonight. The game is at 8:00 and will be nationally televised on ESPN2.

Want to volunteer for Memphis in May? There will be a volunteer expo Thursday, February 18 from 6 to 8 PM at Central Station.

Tennessee Comic Con is Saturday and Sunday at the Cook Convention Center.

Article from the Flyer worth a read: The 1917 lynching of Eli Parsons, a part of Memphis history that few people knew about, until now. I have lived in this city almost 30 years and I had not heard of this before. Scary to think that 3000 people gathered for the lynching, and little kids skipped school so they could watch with their families.

Very good news: Google goes to war against fake download buttons. I hate those. I have downloaded malware a couple of times because I clicked on the wrong button trying to download a legit piece of software.

Very happy to hear about the success of Preteckt, a startup company that is a 2014 graduate of Start Co.’s Seed Hatchery. Preteckt’s software monitors all parts of a truck, predicting part failures up to a month in advance. This predictive ability increases uptime and profitability. Recently carriers Expediter Services and Trans-Carriers contracted to install the software in their fleets. These two significant contracts allowed Preteckt to raise an additional $300,000 to further develop its software. Apply for one of Start Co.’s 2016 accelerators and you may receive $25,000 in funding for your startup business.

Reminder to my Moody Ques teammates: We need you to go to our team website and pay your dues using the Paypal widget on the right sidebar (if you’re viewing it on a screen) or at the bottom of the page (mobile). We are reaching the point in the season when we have to write some significant checks and need dues money. Thanks to the early birds who have already paid.

RIP Jack Eaton. Here’s a clip of Big Jack calling the action as Jerry “The King” Lawler battles AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel in 1979.

Out of time and I still have a ton of news, making a second post today downright likely. Look for it about 5:30 (if I do it before going out) or 11:30 (if I do it after I get home).