If you’re planning on attending the Big River Crossing opening today, there is an attraction you won’t want to miss. The Union Pacific Railroad #844 steam locomotive traveled 1200 miles one way to take part in the celebration. The locomotive will be at the intersection of East Carolina and S. B.B. King Blvd. (Third) from noon to 3 today.
The Life-Changer Frank Mastriciano, former strength specialist for the Memphis Tigers’ men’s basketball team, talked to John Martin on ESPN 92.9 about why he parted ways with Josh Pastner. He did not mince words to say the least. He compared himself to a high-end auto mechanic trying to have a conversation with someone who is just learning to arrange flowers. Daaaamn.
The 12th annual Stumblin’ Santa pub crawl has been announced for Saturday, December 3. The idea is that you dress up as Santa (or Ms. Claus, a Christmas tree, a reindeer, you get the idea) and stumble to bars all over Downtown with other Santas. And there will be many other Santas. In recent years attendance has broken the 1200 mark. Meeting place is the Flying Saucer at 7 that evening. This is a toy drive for Porter-Leath. Participants are asked to bring a toy to donate to children, with the biggest need being toys for kids under 5. Here are some toy ideas from Porter-Leath. Although the pub crawl is big, Porter-Leath needs 6000+ toys to meet the needs of all the kids the serve, so don’t be shy about bringing more than one. Ho ho ho! (And that’s a reason to do the pub crawl; there will be plenty of hoes in Slutty Santa outfits.)
Good news from the MemphisWeather.net blog: The outlook for this winter has been issued and Memphis is in the “warmer” and “drier” range. That is where we want to be! Ideally I’d like highs in the winter months to stay in the 50s and above, except for one freezing-cold snowstorm (which ideally would happen overnight on a Sunday night) that is bad enough to cause most offices to close but not bad enough that Bardog fails to open at 8 AM.
The Flyer has a Q&A with Nicholas Oyler, the new city manager of bikeway and pedestrian program. He brings experiences with walkable neighhorhoods in Germany and Texas to our city.
If you don’t understand why popular sites like Twitter were down for a while yesterday, read this: What is a denial of service (DoS) attack? I have to explain this to people all the time. It’s not that the servers were hacked, but that they were so flooded with requests that it takes time to handle and get everything back to normal.
From the Daily Beast: Taxi war turns tourist mecca Acapulco bloody. There are some bad hombres down in Mexico. One of them already escaped to Memphis. Better hurry up and build that wall, Trump!
This weather this time of year… it’s beautiful, but impossible to dress for. It’s going to be sunny with a high of 69 today. That’s T-shirt and shorts weather. However, if I watch the Arkansas-Auburn game at Max’s Sports Bar, I will be getting out of there around 9, and the temperature will have dropped into the 50s by then. If I were bar-hopping all day, I would just take one of my Pink Pig fleece jackets with me and hang it on the back of my seat, but River Arts Fest complicates things. I’ll be walking around and possibly buying stuff to take home. I don’t want one more thing in my hands.
No Farmers Market for me today. Bardog will be my first stop, then down to RiverArtsFest.