Thursday update

The first round of the Memphis Flyer Beer Bracket Challenge is now open for voting. Go vote for your favorite local craft beers. I will try to post links for subsequent rounds as they open, but follow @memphisflyer for the latest information on the brackets. If you want to try some of the beers before casting your vote, Aldo’s Pizza Pies Downtown has all 24 of the beers in the bracket.

Volunteer Odyssey’s annual fundraiser, Mix-Odyssey, will happen Saturday, March 2 7-10 PM at Memphis Botanic Garden. They’re partnering with some of the best cocktail programs in town, including The Gray Canary, Sweet Grass, Hog and Hominy, P.O. Press, Alchemy, and the Beauty Shop. Tickets include food, beer, fortune tellers, music from the Grizzlies’ DJ Justin Baker, hors d’oeuvres from D’Arthur Scott Catering, and a few other surprises. There will be a jewelry pull by Kendra Scott. This year they’re adding a Judges’ Experience ticket where you can make the rounds with the judges and hear all their tasting notes. Tickets are $75 general admission, $100 VIP, $250 Judges’ Experience and your ticket purchase helps Volunteer Odyssey spread the word about the many fulfilling volunteer experiences in our city.

Wow… a Rhodes College student was charged with hacking into the school computer system and changing his grades. A professor noticed he had a higher grade than the one he had been given, and an investigation began with the FBI eventually being brought in. He has been expelled and he could face up to five years in prison, although probation is more likely.

The CA has 5 things to know about FedEx Logistics’ move Downtown into the Gibson Guitar space.

The Flyer’s Michael Donahue has a Best Bet: Creamed spinach at 117 Prime. Man that looks good! At the bottom of the article there is a post showing how chef Alex Switzer prepares the spinach.

NBA All-Star Weekend kicks off tomorrow. From SBNation: Which competitor in the NBA dunk contest are you? I got Vince Carter and I don’t mind that at all.

Regina’s Cajun Kitchen at 60 N. Main is having a Mardi Gras crawfish boil Saturday, March 2 from 3 to 6 PM. This is a $25.99 all you can eat event. There will be drink specials including their signature King Cake cocktail.

Very sad news: The Red Bar at Grayton Beach on the Florida panhandle burned down. I never got to go there but I have several friends who told me how special that bar was to them. The owners have said they plan to rebuild.

The Edge District Neighborhood Association has announced their next meeting, to be hosted by Chris Liberto at 691 Marshall on Tuesday, March 12. Representatives from Orion FCU will be there to give an update on their plans to move to the neighborhood.

Hope Clayburn will perform at Loflin Yard Saturday, February 23.

Tickets are now on sale for the Memphis Craft Food and Wine Festival to be held on June 23 at The Columns at One Commerce Square.

Tequila fans: There’s a Jose Cuervo train you can ride in Mexico that features all-you-can-drink tequila for the duration of the ride. Tickets start at $111.

The president’s schedule was leaked to the media recently, revealing that he spends sometimes as much as 6 hours of his workday in “Executive Time.” Previously it was thought he spent that time watching Fox News and tweeting. However, that may not have been what he was doing. Trump had a room-sized golf simulator gaming system installed in a room at the White House. The simulator allows him to play an entire 18 holes of golf without going outside. I looked up pricing and simulators cost anywhere from several thousands of dollars to well into 5 figures. Plus there’s the fact that we’re paying him $400,000 a year to pretend to play a game.

That’s the news for now. Time for me to brave the wind and walk over to Court Square to see what food trucks are out. Back tomorrow with more news.