If you live in the Downtown core, you’re probably aware of The Giant Hole that’s been dug on Monroe between Front and Main for the past few months. See, what happened was, my part of Downtown has the oldest sewer infrastructure in Memphis, dating back to the 1800s. On October 1, a water main broke and flooded nearby businesses. Brinkley Plaza was closed for weeks, as was Flight restaurant. Every day since the water main break, about a dozen workers have been out on Monroe repairing the damage.
By last week, they were almost done. Bogie’s Deli and Flight had reopened, and a dump truck had dropped off a huge pile of gravel to fill in The Giant Hole. Monroe Avenue, closed for two months, looked on track to open to traffic by Christmas.
Then, on Friday, a piece of construction equipment dropped a 4000-pound plate.
Guess what it hit.
Yep, the water main.
Needless to say, the completion date for The Giant Hole project has been moved back by weeks.
I’m meeting my friend Butt Slut #1 (more about her later in this post) at Bardog for brunch today and I’ll see if there are any updates about the hole. If there are, I’ll have an update tomorrow.
More from WREG
I got my first Christmas present yesterday! My friends Randy & Theresa recently went to Australia for a Billy Joel concert and brought me back a gift bag.

I’ve heard about Vegemite for years and have always been curious to try it. It’s a spread made from leftover brewers’ yeast and other additives. Really, people have told me it’s kinda gross, but I want to find out for myself. I think I’ll take it to Bardog breakfast on Monday and order a piece of toast to spread it on. I’ll let Allie Cat try it too, if she wants.
R & T also brought me some crocodile jerky. Later in the day, I told the bartender at Blind Bear about my gift bag. “I don’t think I’d eat crocodile,” she said.
“Why not?” I replied. “They’d eat us.”
Aldo in the bag: a box of Haigh’s Australian chocolates, a Melbourne T-shirt, and a bottle of Deep Eddy vodka (not Australian). Thank you R & T for my gift bag and for being such wonderful friends. Excited about spending Christmas with you out in Eads.
A date for the celebration of life for our friend Nate has been set for early January. If you knew him, hit me up on social media or email me (paul@paulryburn.com) for the deets.
The Memphis Tigers beat Texas A&M 83-79 yesterday. 2 wins over 3 SEC opponents in a week is not bad. Memphis belongs in the Top 25. Next up: At home against Alabama State on Wednesday.
Ja Morant was ejected last night in a Grizzlies loss to OKC:
Good news though – New Orleans and Denver lost their most recent showdowns, leaving the Grizz atop the Western Conference by 1 game.
Blind Bear has two additions to its menu:
- $10 meatball sub
- $10 fried bologna sandwich
Van Duren debuts at South Main Sounds on January 20.
Today is National Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day.
Snow is in the forecast for Thursday.
Today is the final day for Ballet Memphis presents The Nutcracker at the Orpheum.
There’s a Holiday Jam concert at the Cannon Center tonight featuring Johnny Gill and Stokely.
A woman has been charged in a bizarre scheme in which she allegedly tried to claim ownership of an Uptown homeless shelter.
WREG spotlighted 6 new restaurants in Memphis, 4 of which are Downtown: Penny’s Nitty Gritty, Cocozza, 350 Baked, and Quintessential Sweets.
A woman reported a “terrifying” robbery attempt around 1 AM last Sunday at Front and Huling.
Odds Atelier, a clothing store on South Main, was robbed Wednesday.
For the benefit of my male readers, it’s time to update the list about my goofy but adorable friend:
KEYS TO WINNING BUTT SLUT #1’S HEART (or maybe her butt? IDK)
- Feed her soup. She likes lentil soup in particular
- Watch soccer with her. But remember, guys, it’s a fútbol match on a pitch, not a soccer game on a field.
- Make her potatoes with Boursin cheese
- Watch the Dallas Cowboys with her (UGH the Cowgirls)
- Know the difference between jelly and jam
I just opened that bag of crocodile jerky. It is so good!
Getting this blog back on track following a bad mid-month. Back tomorrow probably.