So after work I took a walk around downtown, and as I got back to the building one of my neighbors called. “Want to meet me on the roof for dinner?” she said. “It’s leftovers, but I have couscous and nachos and tuna salad. And, I have a surprise for you. A new outfit. Do you prefer pink or blue? I have both colors.” I told her blue was my favorite color. I knew that she reads this blog on a regular basis, so I had an idea what she was up to.
(By the way… I won’t give away her identity… but I will say that I had a Caramel Frappucino at Starbucks the other day, and if you took an extra “a” out of “Caramel” you might be able to figure it out)
So about 30 minutes later, she shows up on the rooftop wearing a blue halter top. A blue halter top is basically a tube top with a strap that ties around the neck. “This counts, right?” she asked. No, I said, a tube top by definintion is strapless. “Well, look!” she said, and untied the strap. “See? The strap isn’t holding it up at all! The strap just makes it look classier.”
So, fine. You got mentioned. Happy? By the way, classy isn’t necessarily the way to go when it comes to men. As one of the most well-known residents of my building says, “Trashy is always a good thing.”
It’s only June 14, so she has plenty of time to get mentioned during Tube Top Month without cheating. Coco & Lilly down the street has plenty of tube tops (and pick up one of those really short miniskirts while you’re there) or visit
However, I also informed her that what she should not do is wear a tube top every day of the week. At most 10-15% of the time. Wear something else the other days, and let us wish that you had the tube top on.
On a different note: I’d like to send a shout-out to my friends Kit and Kelly, who gave me a vacuum cleaner and a Tupperware container full of blackeyed peas last night. (How to get mentioned in this blog: feed me, wear a tube top or bikini, or give me a vacuum cleaner.)
All right. Out for now. Back next time with more interesting and insightful commentary.