Wednesday update: Mattresses, crime, Romanians, and more

– Allen, a bartender from East Bumblefuck, e-mailed a reply in response to my post that I need to buy a new mattress. He said I should call Michael Zellner who places classified ads in the Memphis Flyer, selling good quality mattresses at extremely reasonable prices. He told me that many people are getting good quality sleep on Zellner’s mattresses. Now, normally I would be quite skeptical about buying a new mattress out of the classifieds, but I actually know this guy, sort of. My roommate in college worked with him, selling Cutco knives. If he’s been around that long (15 years), he’s likely not a fly-by-night or he would have been run out of business. Plus, his ads say he is a member of the BBB and sells quality products like Sealy Posturpedic and Simmons Beautyrest.

Still, I’d like to hear one or two more testimonials before I give him a call. Has anyone else bought a mattress from Michael Zellner, and were you happy with your purchase?

– Speaking of East Bumblefuck… I’ve been reading about the recent crime wave in the Winchester/Hacks Cross area. Five years ago people moved to that area because it was so safe and suburban, and they wanted to get away from the crime in Hickory Hill. And ten years before that people moved to Hickory Hill to get away from crime inside the 240 loop. Collierville and Cordova… you’re next. Don’t think you’re immune. It’s coming.

Winchester and Hacks Cross… isn’t that the Southwind area? Supposedly one of the finest neighborhoods in the city?

– So Sunday night I was DONE with Music Fest weekend. I came home and was in bed by 7:00. And the phone rang at 7:15… and 7:30… and 7:45… and 8:00… and 8:30. I was too lazy to answer it. Well, now I’ve found out it was fellow blogger Kat, who was calling because she had met some ROMANIANS on Beale Street and thought I’d be interested. DAMMIT! I missed a chance to meet Romanians! I’m never going to bed early again!

– The Rapscallions trivia team lost last night for the third week in a row. Japan was the answer to two of the questions, and I suspect we would have at least made it to third place if our team member who majored in Asian studies had been there. Sample question: What two countries have been honored twice as the featured country in the 27-year history of Memphis in May? Answers: Japan and the Netherlands.

– Too tired to type any more. Still looking for a duck whistle. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow night, I’ll probably be on the Peabody rooftop.