I’ve been sitting here at Sleep Out’s for the past two hours, banging away on the laptop. Pam is sitting here with me. Pam has a tube top on. Anyway, I’ve spent most of yesterday and today working on a redesign for the Residents for a Safer Downtown Memphis site – go check it out, it’s a lot better than the original created-in-a-lunch-hour design. Our core objectives now have a link from the main page, and there’s also links to information about who we are, accomplishments so far, and police contact numbers. We now have a site that can grow with us.
What I did last night: Hung out on the rooftop of my apartment building with neighbors and friends. Went to the Saucer. Went to Pat O’s. Went to Raiford’s. I didn’t have my usual Raiford’s attire – had a black polo shirt and shorts and sandals on – but I discovered that I could still dance. Today I discovered that I had a hole in my sandal – good thing I didn’t dance on any broken bottles. I’m going to have to find out where there’s another Payless Shoe Store now that the downtown one has closed.
Plans for today: Sit at Sleep Out’s. Drink champagne. Play NTN Trivia. At some point later in the day there will probably be visits to the Saucer and Big Foot as well.