Know what I just realized? Tube Top Month needs a retail sponsor

For the past two years, I have declared June to be Tube Top Month in my blog. I have used the month to raise awareness of the tube top as an essential clothing item. It has been a very successful endeavor, as several of my readers have told me they wear tube tops more often now.

I will probably do Tube Top Month again next summer. This morning it occurred to me… Tube Top Month ought to have a retail sponsor. I could partner up with a local women’s clothing store/fashion boutique, and make a deal that customers get 10% (or some amount) off tube top purchases for the month of June, if they mention my blog.

Anyone know of a clothing store that might be up for it?

In other news: I’m sitting here at the Union Avenue branch office, and Josh (aka Smokin’ Lemon) has confirmed that there will NOT be a cover charge at Sleep Out Louie’s on New Year’s Eve.