It’s time for another Pimp & Ho Party

It’s hard out here for a pimp in Downtown Memphis. Especially since we haven’t had a Pimp & Ho party in over three years.

There used to be these great parties twice a year at Earnestine & Hazel’s, where everyone would dress up in their best pimp or ho costumes. I’d put on the baby blue leisure suit, feather boa around my neck, cheetah platform shoes on my feet, gold “$” medallion around my neck, fake gold teetheses in my mouth. There was great music and everyone would dance and drink and have a great time.

The thing is, though, the last Pimp & Ho party was in November 2003. From time to time I’d see Frank, the guy who organized them, around town. He’d tell me about grand plans for the next party – sponsorships, raising money for charities, multiple locations, perhaps a progressive Pimp & Ho party up and down the trolley line – and he’d always say, “there’ll be another one a few months from now.” But he’s been telling me that for more than three years.

The Sunday brunch crew was discussing it yesterday, and we have a lot of people who are ready for a Pimp & Ho party NOW, and who are ready to pitch in to make it happen. Seriously, it isn’t that hard – forget the big plans, forget about doing something on the trolley. Just go old-school with it and do it like we did back in the day – all we need to do is rent E&H for a night, promote the event among downtowners, maybe book a DJ.

Who’s in? I’d like to see this happen by the end of June, if not sooner. I’ll have to find some new ho’s, though, since both of my 2003 ho’s are now married with kids.

Be sure to check back frequently this week – got lots of good stuff to write about, although I need to download some pics from my camera first. I’ll be talking about a Peabody Place Mall rumor, where to find cheap beer before Grizzlies games, and who knows what else.