If you live downtown, this is the kind of representation you’re getting in the state Senate

In the news this week: State Senator Ophelia Ford went off on a wild, bizarre off-topic rant during a Department of Child Protective Services hearing. She asked a lot of irrelevant questions about death certificates, and continued to badger the DCS officials even after they told her several times that they have nothing to do with that matter. Here’s a link to the video.

The next day she was hospitalized. Here’s a story about it from WMC TV-5. The story did not specify the exact nature of Ophelia’s illness, but local political blogger Thaddeus Matthews has done some speculating on that matter.

Ophelia was in the news earlier this year for missing 13 of the first 24 session days of the state Senate.

If you live Downtown, you’re in District 29 and Ophelia is YOUR state Senator. Are you happy with the job she’s doing?