Earthquake watch: Wonder if something is about to happen?

I have a widget called My Earthquake Watch on my personalized Google homepage that shows all earthquakes over the past 24 hours on a world map, with different icons for different magnitudes. If you don’t have a Google homepage, you can visit the Earthquake Watch site.

Today I noticed that there have been a LOT more earthquakes than usual. Not only that, but there were some in parts of the world that don’t often experience earthquakes. There was a 5.6 magnitude one in the Gulf of Mexico, a 5.7 in the North Atlantic, and two smaller ones in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. There were also a lot of earthquakes in the Pacific Basin – it’s common to see a few in that region every day, but today there were twice as many as usual.

Wonder if “the big one” is about to happen in some part of the world.