Thursday update: Rickey Re-Peete, Westin, baseball, dance, rooftops, quiz

– BREAKING NEWS: City Councilman Rickey “Re-” Peete, the City Council member who was indicted last November on federal bribery charges, has resigned his Council seat. Peete had previously done two years in prison for a 1989 extortion charge (hence the Re-Peete nickname). For more details, check the CA’s website. See ya later Rickey, been nice knowing you. Don’t drop the soap!

– Joan from the Westin e-mailed to let me know that Di Anne Price will be appearing there not only the last Monday of every month for the Downtown neighbors’ event, but EVERY Monday from 5 to 9, in the lobby bar.

– There will be fireworks tomorrow night after the Redbirds game, since the ‘Birds weren’t in town over the Memorial Day weekend. Also, the St. Louis Cardinals 2006 World Championship trophy is at the park and available for public viewing through June 3.

– The dance troupe Project:Motion presents Bouncing Off: New Directions in Dance this weekend and next. The show will be at Theatreworks (2085 Monroe) Fri-Sat June 1-2 and Thur-Sat 7-9, and Sun June 3 and 10. One of the choreographers has been collaborating with Memphis poet IQ, so it promises to be an interesting show. Tickets are $15 adults and $10 students and seniors, except for the Saturday show which is $20 and includes “Cocktails & Conversation” after the performance. Thursday the 7th is buy one, get one free night. For more info or to buy tickets visit their website.

– Rooftop parties tonight: Tom, Dick and Harry at the Peabody; Daddy Mack Blues Band at the Madison; Garry Goin & G3 at EP Delta Kitchen.

– Let’s finish this post with a quiz: Which person in the photo below is best dressed?

I’ll even give you a hint: It’s definitely not the guy, because he’s wearing a necktie, one of the stupidest fashion ideas of all time and one that needs to be retired permanently. So it’s one of the other three. You’ve got a 33% chance of guessing it right.

Answer to be posted tomorrow.