Wait, maybe Downtown Memphis ISN’T a panhandler’s paradise after all

Bumwine.com has added a “Where to Buy” page, letting its readers know which stores across the U.S. carry all five of the top bum wines (Cisco, MD 20/20, Night Train, Thunderbird and Wild Irish Rose). There aren’t any Downtown Memphis listings, making me think that maybe we need to round up our street people and put them on a bus to one of the listed cities, where they’ll be happier. There is a listing for Nashville… let’s send ’em there.

And as far as I know, there AREN’T any places Downtown that carry all five of the wines. CeCe’s has MD 20/20 and Wild Irish Rose. When Frank’s was open, it carried Thunderbird and Wild Irish Rose, and used to carry Night Train years ago. I don’t know of anyplace Downtown that carries Cisco, although there may well be a store in the South of Forum district or on Crump that does.

The Bumwine site has also added a page explaining why Boone’s Farm does not count as a bum wine. Glad they put that page up to clear up misconceptions: It’s a great wine for college students on a budget to get trashed on, but at only 7% alcohol the hardcore bums aren’t going to waste their time.