Tuesday update: Civil Rights Museum, Elvis beer glasses, Crash Kole, funny shirt, and PUD!!!

– Well, the movie Underdog has been out for a couple of weeks now. The movie has been discussed among my group of friends… people are pointing out that nearly every cartoon character out there has been turned into a movie, and “when you get to Underdog, you’ve hit the bottom of the barrel.”

I disagree.

Ever eat a piece of Dubble Bubble bubble gum? On the wrapper are cartoons – “Fleer Funnies starring Pud.” When they get around to making a movie about Pud, then they’ve hit the bottom of the barrel.

– Friends of mine went to the National Civil Rights Museum yesterday, and discovered that admission is free on Mondays from 3 to 6 PM (3 to 5 PM September through May). So if you’ve never been to the civil rights museum, Monday afternoons are good times to check it out. The waived admission fee does not apply on Mondays that are holidays.

– Wednesday is the annual Elvis “buy the beer, keep the glass” night at the Flying Saucer. The glasses go on sale at 7 PM. Now, most weeks you can wander in at 8, 8:30 and still be able to get a glass – not so on Elvis week. If you even want a seat, you better be there by 6:15. Tell your waitress or bartender that you’d like to reserve one. Otherwise they’ll sell out and you’ll miss it.

I’ve been told that they’re making the waitresses dress up in Elvis glasses and sideburns. I have a feeling the girls are not real excited about this. Attn Saucer management: If you’re going to make them dress in character, can we have a Lady Godiva glass night?

– Crash Kole e-mailed me to tell me that his band Crash Kole and the BlueSouls will hold a CD release party Thursday, August 23 at Pearl’s Oyster House. I caught the band at Earnestine & Hazel’s at the end of June and their name describes their music – a hard rocking, bluesy, soulful sound. They were a perfect fit for E&H and should be a great fit for the downstairs of Pearl’s as well. Looking forward to this one.

– Saw a great T-shirt yesterday… it read, “I’M SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS AND LIKES TO LISTEN.” Except that “I’M SOMEONE,” “AND,” “LIKES TO,” and “LISTEN” were crossed out, leaving “WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS.”

– Today is Tuesday, which means that my team The Rapscallions will kick some ass tonight at team trivia. Our gift certificate stash is back to $0, having spent the $70 we had in conjunction with two plate parties last week. Time to rebuild. But in the meantime, it’s time to get to work and earn even more money to spend on beer. See you later!