Train whistles to be silenced in C-ville? Better send Brainy to the ‘burbs

There was a story in the Commercial Appeal this morning that illustrates the mentality of people who live in the eastern ‘burbs.

A man who lives in Collierville wants to silence the whistles of trains as they roll through the city. There are “W” signs at various points on the tracks, and at those points the engineer is supposed to blow the train’s whistle as a warning signal to pedestrians and vehicles that may be nearby. The Collierville citizen mentioned in the article feels that the warning whistles are an inconvenience to neighborhood residents.

Wonder how Brainy would feel about all this. Remember Brainy? I met him at BBQ Fest. Here’s a picture of Brainy.

Brainy runs a one-person campaign – or, really, a one-brain campaign – for train safety. He runs a website called where you can play various games to learn that it’s dumb to try and beat a train across the tracks. Here are a few more pics of Brainy:

(Hmmm… judging from the Paradiso picture above, it looks like Brainy goes for the jail-bait. Better be careful around those underage girls, Brainy… as my friend Josh says, “16’ll get you 20.”)

If Collierville residents get their wish and silence the train whistles, we better rush Brainy out there to work those tracks, because he’ll be the only thing out there looking out for the safety of kids and motorists in the area. Apparently in C-ville people’s safety is not as important as keeping property values high.