My favorite blogger/MILF was right about Westy’s plate lunches

I finally made it to Westy’s for lunch today after my favorite blogger/MILF wrote several times about how good their plate lunches are. She was right! Normally I don’t expect much from bars, but this was one of the best plate lunches I’ve had Downtown, on par with Blue Plate Cafe and The Little Tea Shop. Food was delicious, didn’t even need salt and pepper, and just the right amount.

You can check out their blue plate specials here. They have meat-and-two, meat-and-three, and a veggie plate. Westy’s is at the corner of Main and Jackson and is probably most famous for its Hot Fudge Pie, a menu carryover from the building’s former life as The North End.

While I was there I discovered something else: They have Wi-Fi! Whenever I go to a restaurant or bar I pull my cell phone out to see if there are any wireless networks in range… and it found an unsecured network named “westys” and jumped right on. Hmmm… they have Wi-Fi and they have beer… Westy’s may be seeing more of me in the future.

In other news about my favorite blogger/MILF, there’s a dirty old man at her work who keeps staring at her boobs. I’m jealous of the dirty old man.

I’ve moved on to Cafe Francisco. The owner, Julie, told me she wore a tube top the other day and people told her, “Paul Ryburn would be happy.” Heh.

On the agenda this afternoon: I’m trying to develop a content management system, a system that would allow people to create and edit web pages online without knowing any HTML. There are plenty of CMSs out there already, but I thought it would be kinda cool to create one from scratch, just to get the experience. Besides, it would be a neat feature to offer my web consulting customers. Think I’ll call it ProfPR-CMS. I plan to develop two versions of it, a PHP one and a .NET one.

Downtown temp has dropped to 65 according to WeatherBug. Happy about the cool weather, but all right, that’s enough. Don’t drop into the 50s. I’m not ready to stop wearing shorts yet.

All right, time to get some work done.