Dempseys double dose

I’ve decided to do a double dose of The Dempseys tonight and tomorrow. They play Blues City tonight at 8, and the Saucer tomorrow at 9:30.

Hmmm… what to do between now and 8… think I’ll head down to the Daily Grill for some of their $2.95 mini-appetizers which aren’t that “mini” at all. Haven’t been there in a couple of months. Maybe a Big Foot Beer if I still have some time to kill.

Was going to make a run to Bookstar and Target tonight, but there are T-storms moving through and I don’t feel like driving in it. My poor car must wonder if I’ve abandoned it. It’s been two weeks since I even saw the car.

Had a good breakfast this morning – the “All Wrapped Up” breakfast burrito from Elliott’s. It has egg, ham, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and cheddar cheese. They cut it in half, which is a good idea because it’s easily big enough for two people to share. I had to throw half of mine away because there was no way I could finish it.

No word on the identity of the homeless man discovered Downtown earlier today.

Time to eat!