Friday update: Free drinks!

After a couple of Happy Hour beers at the Saucer last night, I moved over to Hoop’s Bar about 8 PM and discovered that two-thirds of it was taken up by Sleep Out Louie’s refugees. Awesome! More of the old gang was in one place than I’ve seen in months.

My friend Kennedy was also there. Hang on, let’s post a pic of Kennedy.

There ya go. That’s Kennedy. And me, obviously. I found out that a number of people at the bar were drinking for free, thanks to Kennedy. I mentioned this the previous week but had forgot about it… if you listen to Q107.5 on Thursdays you can get on a “VEP” list that gets you in EP’s for free and free drinks from 8 to 9. Kennedy: “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU DRINK, BUT TIP YOUR BARTENDERS!!!” There’s also a food buffet of meatballs, wings and egg rolls.

This is going to alter my Thursday plans in the future… EP’s on Thursday is part of my normal routine, but in the past I’ve considered 8 a little early to get there. But if I can drink free for an hour and get some food in my stomach, and have my old Sleep Out’s friends (and Hooper and Tony) to chill with after the free-stuff hour ends, hell, I’m in! Besides, what would I be doing instead… sitting at the Saucer, same damn thing I do every night. As I said yesterday, I intend to start circulating more.

Since next Thursday is Thanksgiving, I need to e-mail Kennedy and confirm whether or not this deal will be going on. I’ll let you know what I hear.

Left at 9:30 to go see the Dempseys at the Saucer, but I hit the point of exhaustion less than halfway through their first set. I realized that if I stayed out and drank more, it would mess up my weekend. So I gave it up, came home, and managed to get a full 8 hours. Nice.

Other news: Reading the Downtowner magazine this morning, and I see that there’s a great article on Memphis Shopping Bag, the service that will get a list from you and shop at your favorite stores so you don’t have to. Great service for those who like the selection in the East Memphis groceries but never have time to drive out there. I’ve communicated a little with the owners and they seem to be real good people who know what they’re doing.

Also in the Downtowner: You can score free tanning time at the Tan-n-Go in Harbor Town or the one in Midtown by bringing in canned goods for the Memphis Food Bank. Call 272-3348 for more details.

Plans for this weekend:

Tonight: No idea.
Tomorrow day: Shopping in East Memphis: Target, Oak Court Mall, Bookstar, Davis Kidd, etc.
Tomorrow night: The Lantana Projects art show at 574 S. Main. Once again, let me stress that this sounds like a big, fun party that’s worth rearranging plans for. 7 to 10 PM.

At some point Friday or Saturday night I plan on having a beer at Nate’s bar. At some point Friday or Saturday night I plan on making it to Raiford’s. It’s been an entire month since I’ve been. I’m well rested this time around and have plenty of energy to do a late night.

Sunday: Brunch at McGuinness (week 2 of 2), then business as usual at the Saucer, which means kicking Pete’s ass at pool and generally acting stupid. Oh and it’s my birthday! Buy me a beer! Buy me a shot! Buuuuyyyyy meeeeeeee a drrrrriiiinnnnkkkkkkk!!!!!

Back later today with a link to a new Downtown blog. Right now it’s time for the morning run to Jack’s for Mountain Dew.