Another "only in Memphis will you see this" post

If you want to read some thoroughly entertaining stuff, check out Thaddeus Matthews’ blog, particularly the post for Sunday, December 9 and the post immediately above it. Apparently a local preacher – the one who built the giant “Statue of Liberation in Christ” out in East Memphis – gave a sermon on “How to keep your husband so the hoe don’t get him.” According to Thaddeus, the pulpit was transformed into a bedroom, and the preacher and his wife put on a show for the congregation. Check his post for complete, graphic details.

I can’t possibly come up with anything to blog today that’s as entertaining.

Plans for this evening:

5 PM: Come home from work and take a NAP!

7:30 PM: Hit the Saucer for a beer. I’m only staying for one before I move on to the next stop. 30 minutes should be plenty to drink one beer, especially now that I no longer have to interrupt my drinking to run across the street and get ranch.

8:00 PM: Hoop’s Bar/EP’s. Don’t forget, you can listen to Q107.5 today and learn how to score free drinks and food at EP’s from 8 to 9 tonight. Also, I’ve been told that house band Garry Goin and G3 will have a very special guest singing with them tonight. Hopefully the early nap will let me go a little longer into the night than usual.

Possibly next up: My thoughts on the Presidential race.