Drunk post that never made it

(11:45 AM Wednesday:  Typed most of this last night but forgot to hit Publish.) 

I heard from an unconfirmed source that Big Foot is doing $2 34 oz. beer before the Tigers game (tonight) from 5 to 7.  If anyone can confirm this please let me know.  I’d act like a real journalist and confirm this myself but I’m too busy enjoying Paul’s Drunkass Nachos from Huey’s.

So Hillary won the NH primary.  I have an idea for a Democratic ticket for you.  No, not Hillary and Bill.  Constitutionally that can’t happen because Bill has already served two full terms.  But how about… Clinton-Gore.  Al said he’d never run for PRESIDENT.  Not vice.   And there’s no Constitutional limit on the number of terms one can serve as VP.

A friend of mine recently viewed the Stumbling Santa pics from last December, and proposed:  What about Stumbling Abe Lincoln next month in honor of Presidents’ Day?  Not a bad idea.

The Rapscallions handily took first place in trivia this week with a perfect third round.  (Edit:  From this point on picking up at Wednesday lunchtime)  That brings our stash to $295 in gift certificates, with several more weeks to go before we cash them in.  Good to see the team returning to its dominant ways.

One more thought about the Democratic primary:  If Edwards hangs tough and picks up some wins in Southern states, then we could reach a point where no candidate has a majority of the delegates by the time the election rolls around.  In that case negotiations would occur at the convention to reach a consensus on the nominee.  That used to happen all the time, but I can’t remember a case in my lifetime where either party ended primary season without a candidate having locked up the nomination.  Come to think of it, it could happen on the Republican side too.

Rep. Steve Cohen will have a meet-and-greet at his Downtown office, 167 N. Main suite 369, Friday from 2 to 4.  If you haven’t met your Congressman this is your chance.  He’s a great guy.

UFO Club members:  The “Beer Goddess Video” sent yesterday has a link to another quiz you can take for a $5 gift certificate at the Saucer, redeemable tonight only.

Plans for tonight:  I’ll stop by and redeem my gift certificate.  The gang is meeting at McGuinness to watch the Tiger game, so sometime between start of game and halftime I’ll move over there.  McGuinness is always a lot of fun on Wednesday nights.

All right, before I forget to post again, let me hit Publish and then walk back to work.