Exciting news: Center City Commission to launch pilot program to combat panhandling

This morning the Memphis Daily News published plans about a pilot program the Center City Commission will run this year to combat panhandling.  They are requesting proposals for private security companies to provide four private security officers to patrol the Main Street Mall and surrounding areas.  Two will work an 8 AM to 4 PM shift, and two will work 4 PM to midnight.  According to Larry Bloom, the CCC’s safety director, the officers will patrol Downtown looking for quality-of-life concerns such as illegal panhandling, harassment, public intoxication, public drinking, and other quality-of-life concerns.

However, the officers’ mission will not be only punitive in nature.  The Center City Commission will identify agencies that can provide help to those on the street that need it.  The officers will then make contact with those they see panhandling and loitering Downtown, and get appropriate social services for those who want help.

Through the Handling-Panhandling forum, Larry told me about this program months ago, and I’m excited that it’s close enough to fruition that articles are starting to appear in the media.  The CCC has been working for several years to redirect people’s generosity from panhandlers to social service agencies through their “Say No to Panhandling” program, but that alone has not been enough.  This is a program that will address the needs of both the panhandlers and the community.  Great job, Larry and the CCC!

The Daily News article is available here.