So many bars, so little time.

Yesterday I heard that tables and chairs were being loaded into the Downtown Blue Monkey, so they’re getting real close to opening.  I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to fit the Monkey into my already busy schedule… I’ll be there enough to be considered a regular, although the Saucer will remain my main base of operations.  Probably the Monkey will be my back-up plan for when the Saucer has a bad beer on $2.75 Fire Sale.  It will get a place in the Sunday brunch rotation as well.

I saw on a MySpace bulletin that Calhoun’s WILL be showing the Memphis Tigers vs. Rice game Wednesday night.  They are working on arrangements to be able to show all the Tiger games.  Up to this point they have not been able to promise that, because they have satellite rather than Comcast cable, and their satellite connection doesn’t carry one of the stations that shows Tiger basketball.

I kicked a band off my MySpace friends list just now for sending 3 MySpace bulletins in one day (they’ve had as many as 6 on previous days).  That’s borderline spamming, even from a “friend.”  I want to see everyone’s bulletins, not just yours.  I would’ve missed the Calhoun’s announcement had I not kicked them.  If you have a lot to announce to the world, gather it all up and do it in one bulletin.

Gonna grab lunch and take it back to work and eat at my desk.  Been using a tool called Instant C# this morning that converts VB.NET code to C# code and gets it right about 99% of the time.  The other 1%, it inserts a TODO comment saying it couldn’t convert the line and why.  It’s pretty cool.

Ya never know, there may be yet another post today, check back.