Housing needed, Eric Hughes, Cirque, Itta Bena pics and more

Hope everyone had a good Valentine’s Day. I spent the evening with the one I love… beer. Beer report to come later in this post.

Memphis in May is looking to house a grad student who will serve as their intern from March to May. The intern is a 24-year-old male from Izmir, Turkey, and they are looking for an empty apartment or condo, or an extra bedroom to rent out. Somewhere on the Downtown trolley line would be ideal. MIM can pay up to $600 per month rent, plus they will have extra money for him to spend on food in a shared situation. If you have space to offer call 525-4611 ext. 107. Since I only have a 1 BR apartment I won’t be able to help house this guy. However, if in the future MIM needs to house several female Romanian grad students, then I’ll be able to find plenty of room.

The Westin invites you to “Unwind Time” tonight from 5:30-7:30. It’s the second installment of their blues night, and this week Eric Hughes will play the guitar and harmonica in traditional blues fashion. The event will take place in their lobby bar.

Yesterday I received an e-mail about an additional apartment site for Downtown – rent38103.com. Looks like they specialize in high-end rentals. I’ll add it to the “Apartments” page today.

Cirque de Soleil comes to the FedExForum next Wednesday and Thursday for their “Saltimbanco” performance.  Here’s an article by CA writer Skippy Blank about the show.

Here are the pics I took at Itta Bena’s Downtown Night on Wednesday. First, a couple of shots of the complimentary appetizers they put out:



And here are a couple of pics of the gang at the bar at Itta Bena, including the shot of Yoko taking a photo of me taking a photo of her.



And now, we come to the part of the blog that everyone has been waiting for – the beer report.  Since I saved a heck of a lot of money last night by not having a girlfriend to take out for Valentine’s Day, I treated myself to some high-priced beers.

Previous total:  $149.50

Beers 31, 32, and 33 (but 28, 29, and 30 according to the Saucer):
Flying Dog Tire Bite, on Fire Sale $2.75
Duvel $7.00
Lindeman’s Peche $12.00
Tip $21.75 x ~30% = $7.00
Total:  $28.75

Grand total:  $178.25

All the Lindeman’s beers are really good, although at $12 they’re not something you’d want to drink all afternoon.

Going to make a special lunchtime trip to the Saucer today to knock out Abita Root Beer and maybe a couple of nonalcoholic beers.  Yeah, I have to drink those too.  By getting them done at lunch that’ll free me up to go elsewhere tonight if I so desire.  I’ll take the laptop with me, so a lunchtime post is a possibility.