More info on Friday night’s party

I’ve been given permission to provide more details about why we had a private party Friday night at a friend’s house.  I hinted that it was a celebration of sorts.  Here’s what we were celebrating:  The night before, Thursday, Valentine’s Day, my friend Clay (pictured below, at left, green shirt)


proposed to his girlfriend Jessica (pictured above at right, black top, referred to as Yoko on this blog up until now).  I won’t give all the details (you can ask them) but it happened upstairs at the Majestic Grille and Jessica had absolutely no idea it was going to happen.

I mentioned that we had a storyteller who brought tears to all of our eyes.  That storyteller would be Clay, filling us in on how the proposal happened from start to finish.


Here’s Jess showing off the ring:


Needless to say we are all thrilled for them.  If ever there was a couple that was meant to be married it’s these two.

Major props to the Majestic, by the way, on helping him pull all this off.  Jessica thought they were just going there for a simple dinner; in fact, she was mad at Clay at the time because she thought he had forgotten to bring her Valentine’s Day gift home from work.  But really, hours and and hours of planning went into the evening, and the folks at the Majestic played their parts perfectly.  The Majestic’s owners were thrilled that Clay selected their restaurant as the place to propose, and the fact that they went so far out of their way to make the evening unforgettable (including a special chef-designed menu for the newly engaged couple) only adds to my already stellar opinion of their restaurant.

6:49 PM.  Home from the Saucer taking a break, eating a little, drinking a Mountain Dew so I can get my second wind and go back out for more Saucer, Beer Pong at Hoop’s, and Calhoun’s.  I’ve already done my three for the day so here’s my beer report:

Previous total:  $214.25

Beers 40, 41, and 42 (but 37, 38, and 39 according to the Saucer):
Avery White Rascal Fire Sale $2.75
He’Brew Genesis Ale $4.25
Pyramid Curve Ball $4.00
Tip $11 x ~30% = $4.00
Total:  $15.00

Grand total:  $229.25

Manager Katie told me she selected the Fire Sales all of this week, and in my opinion senior management needs to make that her permanent assignment, as she has done the best job selecting Fire Sales in many, many weeks.

About to head back up there.  Meghan’s mini-me is working tonight.  Just thought I’d throw that out there, since I know several of the guys in my group are big fans of the mini-me.  Mini-me thinks it’s “ridiculous” that she doesn’t get a real name on this blog.  Well, go get a marriage proposal from a great guy (like Yoko did) or win $47,000 on a game show (like the Nuh-Uh Sister did) and maybe you’ll get a real name.