Mikey the trivia guy

Tonight’s trivia night, but usual trivia master Pete the Trivia Guy won’t be able to make it this week.  Therefore the Saucer has asked our very own MIKEY to step up and fill in as trivia master.  Although he’s a longtime member of the Rapscallions, he has promised to call it fair and square and not give our team any special advantages.  Let’s face it, the Rapscallions don’t need special advantages anyway; we’ll kick everyone’s ass regardless.  Be prepared for tons and tons of Mikeyisms as trivia kicks off at 7:00 sharp.

As always, if you don’t feel like losing to us you can play trivia at Tug’s on Mud Island (8:30 start time).

Yesterday I drank my plate beers in honor of friends:

Previous total:  $229.25

Beers 46, 47, and 48 (but 43, 44, and 45 according to the Saucer):
Young’s Double Chocolate in honor of Otto $2.50
Harp Lager in honor of Chuck $2.50
Avery IPA in honor of Clay $2.50
Tip $1 X 3 beers = $3.00
Total:  $10.50

Grand total:  $239.75

I’ve now settled the question as to whether Bridgeport IPA or Avery IPA is better.  Where Bridgeport is actually drinkable, the Avery IPA was so horrible that I had to leave half of it, and order an ultra-sweet Woodchuck Pear Cider as a follow-up to get that awful taste out of my mouth.

Coming soon to this blog:  Bum video.  I was sitting in the window about 5 PM, and it occurred to me to switch the camera to video mode and record panhandling all-stars like Sharp Dressed Bum and New Sharp Dressed Bum ply their trade.  Due to cars in the way I didn’t get anything good before the sun went down.  But two and a half weeks from now, it will be light outside past 7 PM, and I’ll have plenty of time to record a new form of evidence of how bad panhandling has become in Downtown’s tourist district.

That’s it for now, short post this morning, heading to work.