Friday update: Safari, alley parties, homeless help, beer, and more

Several people e-mailed to tell me that the Safari Tapas Bar I asked about a couple of days ago is being opened by Mr. Divine who recently opened the upscale Divine Rags clothing store at Main and Pontotoc.  After receiving those e-mails, I realized I reported about Safari a month ago in my own blog… geez.  Beer really does kill brain cells.

According to the Memphis Business Journal, alley parties are coming back Downtown.  A group called Downtown Works plans to throw two alley parties this year in the alley next to the building that used to be Sleep Out Louie’s.  The partnership focuses on bringing office workers back Downtown and plans to hold parties from 5:00-6:30 PM April 24 and October 2.

Got a favor to ask my readers.  Someone suggested, as a result of my post yesterday on homelessness and panhandling, that I add a page listing all the places Downtown where the homeless can get help.  This could include links to places like the Mission where people can donate, and could also include listings of soup kitchens or other outreach programs that give away free meals.  I’ve actually been meaning to do that for a while but life has intervened… if you know if items I should include on such a page could you e-mail me at  All I ask is that you are sure that the information is current (e.g. not from the panhandling pamphlet the CCC used to pass out, which is 4 years old).

This is outside my normal Downtown realm, but after posting the other day about Boscos wholesaling beer at its Main and Crump location, a reader e-mailed to inform me about a new beer at its Midtown Boscos Squared restaurant, Shaft on Draft.  This is a limited edition beer which will only be available in late February and early March.  It’s brewed in support of Staxtacular, the annual fundraiser for the Stax Museum which is coming up on March 7.  More info about Shaft on Draft here.

And speaking of beer, it’s time for last night’s beer report:

Previous total:  $256.00

Beers 49, 50, and 51 (but 46, 47, and 48 according to the Saucer):
Rolling Rock bottle $3.00
Pyramid Hefe-Weizen bottle $4.00
Old Scratch Fire Sale (already had it but Saucer didn’t scan it) $2.75
Tip $9.75 x ~30% = $3.00
Total $12.75

Grand total:  $268.75

Time for work… busy day coming up.

Today’s CA article, homelessness, panhandling

Since I’m quoted in an article on panhandling in today’s Commercial Appeal and the URL of this blog is listed, I want to take a moment to clarify my stance on panhandling and homelessness Downtown.

In no way do I believe that the answer to the panhandling problem Downtown is to indiscriminately sweep all of the neighborhood’s street people off the streets without regard to where they came from, why they’re here, what help they need.  There are some people who take the Handling-Panhandling forum I co-founded, where we discuss problem panhandlers and problem locations for panhandling, as a crusade against the homeless.  That’s absolutely not the case.

My issue is with panhandlers Downtown who have made a career out of panhandling.  These people are able-bodied and could easily find work, but they choose to panhandle instead.  They show up for “work” every day in fresh clothes and they obviously have homes.  However, they will beg for “money to help the homeless” to play on people’s sympathy.  That’s my main problem with these guys – they’re taking advantage of the homeless by redirecting people’s generosity away from organizations that would offer legitimate help.  Donations to these people generally do not get used for food or shelter, but rather for alcohol and drugs.  I have watched these professional panhandlers beg tourists for “a donation for the homeless” over and over again until they collect enough, and then head straight to the liquor store to spend what they were given.

My other issue with this group of panhandlers is that many of them will turn to criminal activity to supplement their “incomes.”  One of the guys we photographed for the Handling-Panhandling group last summer was obviously a loose cannon.  When employees of a Beale Street restaurant asked him to stop begging in front of their door, he threatened to stab them.  A couple of months later, a couple was attacked with a crowbar Downtown in an armed robbery attempt, and a security guard who witnessed the incident was able to identify the attacker because his picture was on the Handling-Panhandling site.  The attacker is now in jail awaiting trial.  As I said, I don’t believe in indiscriminately sweeping people off the streets, but I’m sure glad we identified that guy and swept him away.

The main focus of the CA article is on a new security task force funded by the Center City Commission.  The task force will hit the streets on a trial basis beginning April 30, making first-hand contact with Downtown’s street people and panhandlers.  Over time they will get to know who’s who.  For those who truly need a hand up but don’t know how to ask for it, the task force will be able to get them assistance.  That’s key, because I think we should first look to assist.  However, they are also going to meet some people who are not homeless, pretend to be homeless in order to panhandle, and cause nothing but trouble Downtown.  The security force will identify who these people are and take steps to enforce the laws on the books against them, to show them that they don’t have free run of the streets Downtown.

Another thing:  We need to choose our words carefully.  A lot of people use “the homeless” when in fact referring to these aggressive, career panhandlers.  I’ve even heard cops do this.  I hate it when people ask “how’s your forum about the homeless going?” because it makes it sound like the forum is a crusade against the homeless, when it’s not.  Not everyone who panhandles is homeless.  In fact, I’d be willing to venture that the majority are not.

There’s another local website that uses the term “bums” to refer to all the street people they encounter.  Although I’m a fan of that site and find it quite entertaining, I think they misuse the term sometimes.  There’s a famous homeless guy Downtown who walks the streets all day scratching his beard.  He never asks anybody for anything and if you talk to him (and can get a conversation that makes sense out of him), you’ll find that he’s a really good guy.  He’s not a bum.  It offends me (and a lot of Downtowners) when people refer to him as a bum.  On the other hand there’s a guy named Tommie who wanders the streets every day, asking people for money, following them, threatening them and cussing them out when they say no.  He’s been doing it for as long as I’ve lived Downtown (6 years).  Yeah.  He’s a bum.  I have no problem calling him a bum.

Anyway… just wanted to make the point that I am not trying to start a crusade against the homeless.  It’s just that there are certain people down here who are generally not homeless but pretend to be, and who ruin the quality of life for everyone.  I love Downtown Memphis.  I am so glad I moved down here.  I want people to come here and experience what I experience.  But it burns me up when they come down here and get harrassed over and over and over by these idiots and end up telling me that they’ll never come back.

If you want to help the homeless, please donate your money and/or time to one of several great organizations that help people get back on their feet.  Calvary Street Ministry.  Door of Hope.  Union Mission.  Salvation Army.  There are others.  That kind of donation is much, much more effective than giving to a street panhandler.

I hope that helps you understand where I’m coming from.  I could talk myself into circles about this all day but I have to get some work done.  If you have questions or comments you can e-mail me at and I’ll try my best to address them.

Wholesale Boscos beer, new restaurant on South Main

Boscos beer is now wholesaling their beers out of their warehouse location at 827 S. Main (at Crump). They will carry their South Main Pale Ale, Tennessee Cream Ale, Flaming Stone, Bombay IPA, Midtown aka Downtown Brown Ale, and Isle of Skye Scottish Ale in half-gallon growlers, 5 gallon kegs, and 15 1/2 gallon kegs. The dock will be open 9 to 5:30 Monday-Thursday, 9 to 6 Friday, and 9 to 1 (PM, not AM) Saturday. For best service on kegs, call a day ahead. Here’s a page on their website with more information.

More info from Otto: “Had to look around a bit to find the sales place though. As you’re
heading south on Main, just before you get to Crump, you take the
right into their big gated parking lot. The sales office has a sign up
that says “DOCK SALES” and some hours on it. Go in that door, up the
dock, tell the guy what you want. Done and done, easy.

They take credit, and don’t have a lot of cash on hand, so either
bring credit or exact change.”

A new restaurant looks to be opening in the former Wendell’s World Beat Grill location on South Main. A reader of this blog sent a couple of pictures of the new sign hanging out front, reading “Safari World Tapas Bar.” Its slogan is “taste the journey!” Anyone got more info on this? E-mail me ( if you do.



So, who’s doing pre-game/during-game specials for #1 Memphis vs. #2 Tennessee Saturday?  E-mail me and let me know.

Congrats to the Rapscallions on ANOTHER first-place trivia victory.  Even with one of our own as the trivia master, we didn’t have to cheat to win.  We’re just that damn awesome.  That brings us to $100 toward our next party.

Beer report:

Previous total:  $239.75

Beers 46, 47, and 48 (or 43, 44, and 45 according to the Saucer):
Preacher’s Collar $5.50
Spaten Bock Fire Sale $2.75
Woodchuck Raspberry bottle $4.00
Tip $12.25 x ~30% = $4.00
Total:  $16.25

Grand total:  $256.00

My BFF and her mini-me were both working tonight, although neither was our waitress.  The mini-me is developing a hell of an attitude, not surprising when you consider who her role model is.  After leaving the Saucer I went to Calhoun’s for one beer with Mikey the Trivia Guy, running into Sam and arts columnist Skipford M. Blank and of course bartender extraordinarre Lauren.

This has been your Tuesday night drunk post.  Time for bed.

Mikey the trivia guy

Tonight’s trivia night, but usual trivia master Pete the Trivia Guy won’t be able to make it this week.  Therefore the Saucer has asked our very own MIKEY to step up and fill in as trivia master.  Although he’s a longtime member of the Rapscallions, he has promised to call it fair and square and not give our team any special advantages.  Let’s face it, the Rapscallions don’t need special advantages anyway; we’ll kick everyone’s ass regardless.  Be prepared for tons and tons of Mikeyisms as trivia kicks off at 7:00 sharp.

As always, if you don’t feel like losing to us you can play trivia at Tug’s on Mud Island (8:30 start time).

Yesterday I drank my plate beers in honor of friends:

Previous total:  $229.25

Beers 46, 47, and 48 (but 43, 44, and 45 according to the Saucer):
Young’s Double Chocolate in honor of Otto $2.50
Harp Lager in honor of Chuck $2.50
Avery IPA in honor of Clay $2.50
Tip $1 X 3 beers = $3.00
Total:  $10.50

Grand total:  $239.75

I’ve now settled the question as to whether Bridgeport IPA or Avery IPA is better.  Where Bridgeport is actually drinkable, the Avery IPA was so horrible that I had to leave half of it, and order an ultra-sweet Woodchuck Pear Cider as a follow-up to get that awful taste out of my mouth.

Coming soon to this blog:  Bum video.  I was sitting in the window about 5 PM, and it occurred to me to switch the camera to video mode and record panhandling all-stars like Sharp Dressed Bum and New Sharp Dressed Bum ply their trade.  Due to cars in the way I didn’t get anything good before the sun went down.  But two and a half weeks from now, it will be light outside past 7 PM, and I’ll have plenty of time to record a new form of evidence of how bad panhandling has become in Downtown’s tourist district.

That’s it for now, short post this morning, heading to work.

Video from end of Saturday’s Tiger-UAB game has unedited video of the end of the Memphis Tigers vs. UAB game Saturday night, where the Tigers came from behind to win 79-78.  UAB appeared to make a game-winning shot at the last second.  On TV it was obvious that the shot went off after the buzzer, but was perhaps not so apparent to the crowd in attendance, especially with emotions among UAB fans running high at the prospect of knocking off #1.

On the video you can see UAB students and fans pelting the Tigers with all sorts of debris as they walked to the locker room.  Someone told me Shawn Taggart got hit in the nose by a bottle.  Thank goodness the staff was able to restrain Dorsey, as that would have been the end of his college career (and probably the Tigers’ title hopes) if he had made it into the stands.

#2 Duke lost last night.  That makes Saturday’s Memphis vs. Tennessee game mean even more, as #4 Tennessee will likely move up to #2 today (#3 Kansas also lost in the past week).  So we’ll have a #1 vs. #2 showdown Saturday night at the FedExForum.

It’s already being discussed… if we lose, how far will we fall in the rankings?  Some people are asking whether we’ll still be in the top 10.  Come on, it won’t be that bad.  Realistically, I think we’d drop to #4 with a loss.  Personally, I think we should only drop to #2 if we lose, since our only loss would have come to the team who would then be #1.  I know better than to expect coaches and sports writers across the country to view Memphis in that positive a light though.

Of course, the best way to avoid that scenario altogether is to win the game!  GO TIGERS!!!

Working on my elbow calluses

(…to use a Mikeyism.)  Got to Calhoun’s about 10:30 tonight.  I knew I’d actually get there long before the Saucer closed, but if I blogged that my plan was to leave the Saucer and head there, I’d have had people going, “Pauly, it’s 4:00, are you ready to go to Calhoun’s yet?”  There was a PBR draft in front of me before my ass touched the bar stool.  I swear, that bar is doing absolutely everything it can to get me in there.  I stayed until about 2:15, then navigated the gauntlet of bums home.  I counted… Calhoun’s is only 12 blocks from where I live.  Thought it was 14.

They’ll be seeing more of me.  I’ve decided that it’s time to move back into barhopping mode.  I’ll still work on my 3 beers a day for my plate, but beyond that no more sitting at one bar the entire night.  Time to circulate again.  When I did that in early December it seemed to work well.

Had a bum try to chase me down on the way home.  “Hey, sir!  Hey!  Hey!”  I turned around and faced him.  “NO BUMS, DUDE, MOVE ON!”  He then claimed he was just going to ask me what time it was.  Yeah right.  He walked off cussing at me.

Sleep is going to be good tonight.  Every Monday needs to be a holiday.

More info on Friday night’s party

I’ve been given permission to provide more details about why we had a private party Friday night at a friend’s house.  I hinted that it was a celebration of sorts.  Here’s what we were celebrating:  The night before, Thursday, Valentine’s Day, my friend Clay (pictured below, at left, green shirt)


proposed to his girlfriend Jessica (pictured above at right, black top, referred to as Yoko on this blog up until now).  I won’t give all the details (you can ask them) but it happened upstairs at the Majestic Grille and Jessica had absolutely no idea it was going to happen.

I mentioned that we had a storyteller who brought tears to all of our eyes.  That storyteller would be Clay, filling us in on how the proposal happened from start to finish.


Here’s Jess showing off the ring:


Needless to say we are all thrilled for them.  If ever there was a couple that was meant to be married it’s these two.

Major props to the Majestic, by the way, on helping him pull all this off.  Jessica thought they were just going there for a simple dinner; in fact, she was mad at Clay at the time because she thought he had forgotten to bring her Valentine’s Day gift home from work.  But really, hours and and hours of planning went into the evening, and the folks at the Majestic played their parts perfectly.  The Majestic’s owners were thrilled that Clay selected their restaurant as the place to propose, and the fact that they went so far out of their way to make the evening unforgettable (including a special chef-designed menu for the newly engaged couple) only adds to my already stellar opinion of their restaurant.

6:49 PM.  Home from the Saucer taking a break, eating a little, drinking a Mountain Dew so I can get my second wind and go back out for more Saucer, Beer Pong at Hoop’s, and Calhoun’s.  I’ve already done my three for the day so here’s my beer report:

Previous total:  $214.25

Beers 40, 41, and 42 (but 37, 38, and 39 according to the Saucer):
Avery White Rascal Fire Sale $2.75
He’Brew Genesis Ale $4.25
Pyramid Curve Ball $4.00
Tip $11 x ~30% = $4.00
Total:  $15.00

Grand total:  $229.25

Manager Katie told me she selected the Fire Sales all of this week, and in my opinion senior management needs to make that her permanent assignment, as she has done the best job selecting Fire Sales in many, many weeks.

About to head back up there.  Meghan’s mini-me is working tonight.  Just thought I’d throw that out there, since I know several of the guys in my group are big fans of the mini-me.  Mini-me thinks it’s “ridiculous” that she doesn’t get a real name on this blog.  Well, go get a marriage proposal from a great guy (like Yoko did) or win $47,000 on a game show (like the Nuh-Uh Sister did) and maybe you’ll get a real name.

Found dog, chicken, hotties, IT job, beer report, more

Oh my God.  Air Traffic Mike wasn’t kidding.  It was an ENTIRE CHICKEN.

Let me explain:  I went out late Saturday afternoon, starting at the usual place.  Around game time (the Tigers played UAB at 7) I was getting hungry, so I decided to have dinner at the Majestic and watch the game at the bar.  I remembered Air Traffic Mike telling me to order the garlic chicken the next time I went in – he said it was a meal and a half and a value at $16.  So that’s what I ordered and this came out:


He wasn’t kidding when he told me it was an entire chicken, with a generous amount of green beans on the side and their mashed potatoes.  That’s the Majestic for you – way more food than you would expect for the price.  And GOOD food too.

A Jack Russell terrier has been found on Main Street.  A couple found him on the Main Street Mall after eating dinner at Sauces.  He was barking at a carriage driver, terrifying the horse.  After he almost got hit by a trolley, the couple picked him up and tried for the next hour to locate his owner without success.  This is clearly someone’s pet – he’s a friendly fellow, neutered, clean and well fed.  The couple has put up FOUND posters in the area and is anxious to return him to his owner.  A picture of him is below.  If you recognize this dog, e-mail me ( and I’ll get the couple’s cell number to you.  All three of the bars I plan on hitting today have Wi-Fi so I’ll be able to check my e-mail on my phone throughout the day.


Memphis Limelight, Downtown’s local humor website in the style of “The Onion,” has posted its own “Hotties” in response to this week’s lead article in the Flyer.  Limelight is usually pretty bizarre, but no more so bizarre than the Flyer itself was this week.

I’ve learned of an available position converting Access/VB databases to Oracle and creating workflow and repository setup in something called Documentum, whatever that is.  Position is at a very large shipping company that employs tens of thousands of Memphians.  If interested e-mail me and I’ll put you in touch with the recruiter.

That game last night was SCARY.  Tigers were down 77-70 with 1:23 left, and were down 78-76 with 15 seconds left.  But CDR hit a shot with 6.5 left and drew a foul.  Amazingly, he made a free throw – that’s right, a member of the Memphis Tigers team MADE A FREE THROW – and the Tigers’ defense held off UAB for the remainder of the clock to win 79-78.  UAB hit a basket as time expired, but a replay showed that the ball had not left the player’s hands at the buzzer.  The UAB fans were so ticked off at being robbed of their chance to beat #1 that they started throwing things at the Tigers as they headed to the locker room, nearly provoking a fight with Joey Dorsey.

If I were Coach Cal I’d hire a sports psychologist, maybe even a hypnotist, to get inside the Tigers’ heads and find out why they’re so terrible at free throws.  It’s amazing that we can be #1 in the nation and have one of the lowest free-throw percentages in the NCAA.  If we don’t win the title this year that will surely be a factor.

After watching the game at the Majestic, I moved on to Hoop’s Bar.  Drank PBR cans, hung out until about 12 then called it an early night.

Tonight, on the other hand, WON’T be an early night for me, as it’s the Sunday of a 3-day weekend.  Usually the Sunday schedule looks like this:

Brunch at Majestic/McGuinness 11-1 -> Saucer 1 until I get bored or close

However, this week I’m thinking of adding a third place to the agenda… hmmm, where can I find a place that stays open 3 hours later than the Saucer and has $1.50 PBR and a familiar bartender?   So today’s plans:

Brunch at Majestic 11-1 -> Saucer 1 to close -> Calhoun’s 12 to 3

As always, plans are tentative and subject to change if something more interesting comes along.  If I get bored at Saucer maybe I’ll throw “Sunday Beer Pong at Hoop’s” into the mix before heading to Calhoun’s.

Beer report:

Previous total:  $194.00

Beers 37, 38, and 39 (but 34, 35, and 36 according to the Saucer):
Sierra Nevada Brown Fire Sale $2.75
Build Your Own Flight $8.50 (counts as one beer): 5 oz. tasters of

  • Dos Equis Special Lager
  • Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat
  • Woodchuck Pear Cider
  • Bridgeport IPA
  • Warsteiner

Beck’s Dark bottle $4.00
Tip:  $15.25 x ~30% = $5.00
Total:  $20.25

Grand total:  $214.25

Time to answer a few e-mails and then brunch it up!

Saturday update

If you’re here to read wild stories about last night at the bars, sorry… I’m going to disappoint you this time. There was a private party among my group of friends. Now, sometimes the group plans stuff and I’m like, “Eh… I’m going to do my own thing, you guys have fun.” And then there are other nights when they plan stuff and I’m thrilled to be there, and wouldn’t imagine being anywhere else. This night was in the latter category. We had great food (thanks Air Traffic Mike) and a storyteller who told a story that nearly brought tears to my eyes. What a great night. A few pics:


Here’s a pic of the Nuh-Uh Girl eating.



I don’t know what was going on here.



Skippy and Air Traffic jamming out.



The Nuh-Uh Sister: Going…


… going…


… gone.



Group photo of the last ones standing.


Sorry, no public photo album for this one.  Rapscallions:  I uploaded the pics to our shared online file folder.  If you don’t know how to access that folder contact me.  I’ve already run them through Picasa to rotate where needed, fix bad lighting, and delete bad pics of me.

The Nuh-Uh Sister and Mini-me from the Saucer should start a club for people who hate their nicknames.  Both of them have nicknames that are extensions of other people.  Both are known to say, “I have a NAME!  It’s _____.”

Speaking of the Saucer, let’s get the beer report out of the way.

Previous total:  $178.25

Beers 34, 35, and 36 (but 31, 32, and 33 according to the Saucer’s computer):
Lindeman’s Framboise draft $5.50
Abita Root Beer $3.50
Rogue Bullfrog Fire Sale $2.75
Tip:  $11.75 x ~ 30% = $4.00
Total:  $15.75

Grand total $194.00

Yesterday was a rarity in that the three beers that counted toward my plate were the only three beers I drank there.

I had a weird dream last night.  I felt like I was watching an old ’30s B/W movie and they were talking about the wheel of fortune spinning and no one can stop it.  Not the TV show, but some sort of astrological wheel of fortune.

Those of you who watch basketball at Calhoun’s:  Be aware that tonight’s Memphis Tigers at UAB game will NOT be carried there.  It’s the only remaining game of the season that won’t be carried.  They do, however, have plenty of other good games on today thanks to ESPN Full Court Package.  Check their MySpace page for listings.  I checked and found that the Tiger-UAB game will be carried on CSS tonight at 7.  That’s why Calhoun’s doesn’t carry it – CSS is a Comcast channel and they have satellite.

New to Calhoun’s this week:  A digital jukebox.

In the news:  Strip club owner Ralph Lunati, who owned Platinum Plus and other clubs, will serve 18 months in prison for promoting prostitution in the form of onstage sex shows.  It’s a federal sentence so there is no possibility of parole.

The lens cap on my digital camera won’t close.  It may be on its last legs, but I’ve said that before.  That camera seems to be indestructible.

No plans for today… I’ll probably go knock off my 3 beers for the day sometime around 4 PM.  After that, anything goes.  The only definite plan I have this entire 3-day weekend is brunch tomorrow at the Majestic at 11:30.  With no work on Monday, it’s looking to be an extra-long Sunday Fun Day tomorrow.

Time to publish this thing and get some laundry done.

Not even as popular as John D

Blogging from the Saucer today at lunch… having a Lindeman’s Framboise and the Abita Root Beer as my plate beers.  I’ll come back after work and knock off the third one, but I don’t anticipate a long stay here tonight.

Blue Man Group will perform their new show “How to be a Megastar” on April 6 at the DeSoto Civic Center.  Blue Man Group is awesome… I may actually have to get in the car and drive for that one.

I shudder at the thought of getting in the car.  I’ve driven it 3 times since the beginning of calendar 2008.  It’s covered in dust due to construction going on in the building next door to the parking garage.  The upholstery is falling apart inside.  There are drink bottles lying around from back when I worked at the City Schools (a job I quit last June).  The air conditioner has gone out and I’m too lazy to take it to the dealership and get it fixed.  Life is really going to suck if I don’t get that done in the next month.  It’s out of windshield wiper fluid too.  I just ignore the stupid thing because I hate driving.  But it occurs to me, if I ever had a date outside of the Downtown area I would be SO embarrassed.  Of course, I try as hard as possible to stay Downtown, but I gotta admit, The Cove would be a cool place to take a date, and that would require a car.

Having the chicken quesadilla for lunch.  The waitress who calls me her “BFF” is working.  She’s not my waitress though… I’ve got the sweetie who worked our last Rapscallion party, so I’m getting food without the ‘tude.  “BFF” girl claims I mention her in every post.  I just did a count and in the last 20 posts (not counting this one) she’s been mentioned exactly 3 times.  15%.  By comparison Bud Light connoisseur John D has been mentioned in 4 of the last 20.  She wants so desperately to believe she’s my first, my last, my everything, and she’s actually not even as popular as John D.  Sad.

Rogue Bullfrog is the Fire Sale, in case you’re curious.

In honor of Valentine’s Day yesterday, I read the Wikipedia entry on Casanova, known the world over as one of the great lovers of women of all time, and a consummate seducer.  Interesting article… if you read it all the way down, you’ll read that the player got played a few times by women even more manipulative than he.

I forgot to mention that I had a great lunch at Circa yesterday with awesome company.  Really enjoyed it.  I haven’t been in Circa in two weeks, since I started this second-plate thing.  I need to make an appearance at House’s bar sometime soon.  Blast, I just realized, now Itta Bena’s Downtown Night is competing with Circa’s wine flight night!  That’s going to be a tough choice to make!  This is what is referred to as a high-class problem to have.

Time flies when you’re watching waitresses walk around.  Time to get back to work.  Three-day weekend for me, starting in four hours!