Tuesday recap: Bum patrol, Garfield minus Garfield, bad beer, WordPress 2.5 kind of sucks, and more

Here’s a poster for the Africa Center Stage performance happening at 11:45 on the Civic Center Plaza (unless it’s still raining):

As I was walking to the Saucer last night, I decided to make a loop around Beale and see if there were any bums running parking scams.  Sure enough, there was one standing by a meter across from the Orpheum.  Metered parking is free after 6, but as a couple pulled in, he told them, “This here lot charges $10 to park (gesturing to the lot on the other side of the sidewalk).  Can I have $10?”

I told the couple not to pay him, then said to him, “You’re about to make some new friends,” then called the Downtown security patrol number.  2 minutes later they arrived on bike and chased him off.  The new security patrol is great.  “Call us a lot,” they told me.  I have a feeling that will happen.

The Rapscallions took second at trivia, bringing our gift certificate total to $375.  While there, Otto told me about a funny website called Garfield Minus Garfield.  It’s the original Garfield comic strips with Garfield removed – really, with everything removed but Jon.  So it’s basically Jon talking to himself, which makes him look like a complete nut case.  Whoever came up with this idea has a twisted sense of humor.  I like it.

Next up was a visit to Calhoun’s, to see Best Pool Partner Ever Lauren.  Max the owner brought me behind the bar to show me the Bad Beer Cabinet:

That’s a keg of PBR, random cans of Old Style, and a case of Busch Light.  Ah, memories of college.

Calhoun’s ended up closing down early so Max could do beer research.  I rode with Lauren and Itta Bena bartender Sam to McGuinness, where Max met up with us and I helped him research Woodchuck Cider.  Then I decided it was time to get some sleep.  So I started the walk up Second toward home, but I encountered EP’s chef Michael Patrick leaving Big Foot with take-out food.  We talked about bums for a few minutes, then he told me, “Your BFF is in there at the bar.”  Oh, REALLY?  I decided I had time for one more beer.

So I went in, and sure enough, she was at the bar drinking with her roommate.  You know, I’ll say this, my BFF may be an industrial-grade pain in the ass, but she does have cute roommates.  We hurled our usual insults at each other, and I decided to give her an opportunity.  I handed her a piece of paper.  “Write whatever you want,” I told her, “and I’ll take a photo of it and blog it.”  So she took out a pen.  This is what she came up with:

I know the pic is a little fuzzy… the camera has trouble with document mode in dim light.  In case you can’t read it, it says, “PAUL = (equals) DOUCHE BAG.”  It’s nice that she put “equals” in parentheses for those of us who never made it past first-grade math and don’t know what “=” means.  And seriously, I gave her open season on me and that’s the best she can do?  What a loser.

Beer report:

Previous total:  $1,123.25

Beers 188, 189, and 190 by my count (181, 182, and 183 by the Saucer’s count):
Carlsberg $4.75
Heineken $4.50
Avery Ellie’s Brown Ale $4.50
Tip:  $13.75 x ~30% = $4.00
Total:  $17.75

Grand total:  $1,141.00

I’m not totally happy with WordPress 2.5.  It lets me do bulk uploading of images, which would’ve been really nice for this post, since there were 3 images… except it sits there and says “crunching” for 10 minutes.  It thinks it’s doing me a favor by compressing the images, I guess.  Really, I have close to unlimited server space and don’t care if the images are compressed or not… on the other hand, I do care about them hitting the server and getting onto my blog in a timely fashion.  Worse, once the images were uploaded to the media gallery, I couldn’t pull them onto my post because I got a Javascript error.  I had to go in and figure out the URLs to the images and manually link to them.  That’s really annoying to have to do that.  Also, I couldn’t center-align two of the images in the editor and had to edit the HTML to get it done.  That’s not a problem for me, but what about the thousands of WordPress users who don’t know HTML?  This thing should’ve stayed in beta testing a while longer.  Perhaps I’ll be able to mess with the settings and improve its performance.  If things don’t get better, though, I may downgrade to 2.3.3 until they test 2.5 a little better.

All right, time to go earn some money.  Plans for this evening:  Downtown Night at Itta Bena around 5:30, followed by a move to the Saucer to do my plate beers 7:30-8ish.