Reading the Flyer so you don’t have to

The new Memphis Flyer is out. Been flipping through it, looking for items of interest to Downtowners. Here are a few:

p. 4: Court Square Center is holding an reopening party for the Lincoln-American Tower from 10 AM to 2 PM Saturday, May 10. For $20 you can sip champagne atop the tower, tour its luxury apartments and enjoy the views of Downtown. $20 donation benefits Memphis Heritage.

p. 24: The big events in Memphis in May are Music Fest, BBQ Fest, and Sunset Symphony. “And then there’s that off week, the second week in May,” people will tell you, “when they do events to honor the country that no one goes to.” One such event will happen Thursday night, May 8 at the Orpheum. There will Turkish folk music by the Anatolian Sun Quartet, as well as belly dancing, live animation, poetry, and a sampling of Turkish food. If I didn’t already have more interesting plans (going to the Saucer and drinking a lot of beer) I’d attend this for sure.

p.28: Coming soon to Hollywood Disco (or as everyone calls it, Raiford’s): Thursday ’80s Ladies Night. Oh Lord… why did they have to go and do this to me. Raiford’s open on Thursday night = a lot of very sleepy Fridays in my future.

p. 42: EP Delta Kitchen is now serving lunch on the patio Wednesdays through Saturdays.

Just got home.  Time to go get a beer and have a planning session with the BBQ team.  Itta Bena has a private event at 6:30, so no Downtown Night.  I’ll try to get by there tomorrow.