Downtown Memphis named one of the nation’s top walking destinations

Check out this Memphis Flyer article, which says that a Seattle company name has named Downtown Memphis one of the nation’s top “walking paradises.”

So, get out of that car, stop spending that $4 gas, and take a walk.  I don’t even ride the trolley that often.  I live in literally the middle of Downtown, and when I go to South Main or the Pinch, I walk.  I usually only hop a trolley if it’s raining or below 32 degrees.

Speaking of the trolley, look for a MATA-themed post this weekend.  MATA is to public transportation what Willie Herenton is to mayors.  Damn I wish that indictment rumor had been true.

Mail bag:

“You have a 34 oz. Bud Select at Big Foot Lodge listed as $4.00.  Not to be nit-picky, but technically it’s $3.99.”

True, but I was counting bartender Meghan’s tip as part of the cost.

Off to bed.  First night this week to get a full night’s rest.