Looks like Bar Dogs may be opening soon

Yesterday I was reading this week’s issue of the Memphis Flyer, and I noticed a classified ad looking for bartenders and waitstaff.  The address was 73 Monroe, which would be the address of the old Mike’s restaurant which is being renovated into Bar Dogs, “A TRUE NEIGHBORHOOD BAR” according to the ad.  That’s likely a sign that they’re getting close to opening… usually restaurants start advertising for staff about 4 weeks out.

Looking forward to this place.  I’ve been told it’s going to be a neighborhood bar much like Sleep Out Louie’s was, and I’ve heard they plan to stay open late to give service industry people a place to hang out after they get off (badly needed, now that McGuinness has closed).  Also, it’s less than a block from my front door, and my BFF Suzy’s front door as well.  I have a feeling I’m going to be spending a lot of time there.