St. Jude bum identified

Major success in the fight against the panhandlers… this morning, I learned the identity of the guy who has been going around selling the Downtown Merchant Guide and other free magazines, claiming the money is for donations for St. Jude.  The information came from the CCC so it appears that the Downtown Safety Patrol were the ones responsible for uncovering his identity.  Great work!

I’m not going to post his name here, but his name, picture, date of birth, and a summary of his extensive criminal record (including felonies such as assault, drug charges, aggravated robbery, and grand larceny) are on the Handling-Panhandling online forum.  If you’re fed up with criminal panhandlers like this guy, click the link to join the forum and help us clean up the streets of Downtown Memphis.

By the way, for his last two arrests (the most recent being August 8) he had a listed address in the Highland-Park area.  So much for the mistaken belief that homeless and panhandlers are one and the same.

Working together as a community, we’re making life tough for the criminal panhandlers down here.  We’ve all but run Jumper Cable Guy out of Downtown.  Hopefully we can do the same for St. Jude Guy.  As I’ve said before, only the absolute scum of the earth would lie about representing a children’s charity to get money.