Tribes and elections, discount dining, APA party, still undecided where to watch

Here’s a link to a good blog post by marketer Seth Godin on Obama’s and McCain’s campaigns, marketing, and the concept of “tribes.” He has a good explanation why Obama’s campaign has been a success and McCain’s has not.

I’m re-launching Discount Dining, a site I ran for a while last year and then forgot about.  It’s a site that links to and provides information about their dining discount program.  On Discount Dining, I’m starting mailing lists by city where you can be notified of specials they occasionally run where they sell their certificates for 50% off, or sometimes even more.

Which reminds me… there’s a special going on through November 6.  Use coupon code VOTE at checkout to get 50% off.  That means $25 face-value gift certificates, normally sold for $10, are now $5 with the coupon code. You can also take 50% off Dinner of the Month Club purchase with the code VOTE.  Here are links to the individual cities on Discount Dining:

The Animal Protection Association is having its 2nd annual Santa Paws Party and Art Auction at Stop 345 on Sunday, November 23.  Details below (click the flyer for a larger image):

More info about the APA and the party here.

Still undecided where I’ll watch the election results.  The Saucer would’ve been my pick if they had put something tasty on Fire Sale.  But Shiner Bock… bleh.  It’s not horrible but it’s not one of my favorites, either.  Now it’s a 3-way tossup between Bardog, the Saucer, and Calhoun’s.  I may have to flip a coin to decide.  Or flip 3 coins and odd one out wins, I guess.