Proof positive that this blog makes Memphis a better place

The Fire Sale at the Flying Saucer, meaning the beer that is put on a discount price of $2.75 per draft pint, was scheduled to be Abita Turbo Dog today.  For those of you unfamiliar with Turbo Dog’s taste, go to the Memphis Zoo and ask for a sample of rhinoceros urine, and you’ll have a pretty close approximation.  It’s been on Fire Sale twice in the past two weeks already.

However, the day manager came in, saw Turbo Dog on the schedule, and said, “Oh, hell, no,” realizing that the Saucer would be the featured topic in my blog this afternoon, and not in a good way.  He changed the Fire Sale to something else.

The new Fire Sale?  Dos Equis Special Lager.

Revised plans for this afternoon:  I have to do a WordPress installation for a consulting client, but I’ll now be doing it from the Saucer while I sip Dos Equis Lager.  About 5, I’ll take the laptop home (earlier if it looks like rain), and come back up to the Saucer to enjoy some more Dos Equis Lager with the happy hour crowd.  Later this evening, I’ll see how much Dos Equis Lager it takes to tolerate the douchebags who show up on Friday nights.  I’ll likely stay at the Saucer drinking Dos Equis Lager no later than 2 AM, because they close at 2 AM.  If I’m still standing at that point, maybe I’ll top off the night with a PBR at Bardog.

If you want to thank me for influencing the Saucer to choose a Fire Sale that doesn’t taste like sewage, you can always click on my website and leave a PayPal donation.  I think I’ve earned it today.