Two Mardi Gras parties at Downtown bars

Just a reminder that Bardog Tavern is having a Mardi Gras party for Fat Tuesday.  Or at least I’m assuming they are, because they ran an ad in the Flyer mentioning Fat Tuesday with their dog mascot in a Mardi Gras mask.  “Throw me some beads, I’ll throw you a bone,” read the ad.  So I’m guessing something fun will be going on.  I’m assuming it will still be pint night up there, with all pints $3.

I may skip the first hour of trivia and run by Bardog to see what’s going on up there.  I’ll definitely have to be back at the Flying Saucer by 9, though, because the Saucer is also celebrating Fat Tuesday and will be giving away the Fat Tire bike they’ve had hanging in the corner for a month.  You must be present to win the bike, so if you’ve handed in Fat Tire receipts to enter, be sure to be there.  A manager told me they advertised a 9 PM time for the drawing, but it will probably be some time after that… just make sure you’re there not long after 9 if you’re interested in the bike.

I’ll be at both events with beads on.  Oddly, I haven’t heard of much else going on for Fat Tuesday… Silky’s is never a bad choice for that kind of a celebration, if you’re looking for an alternative to the two places listed above.

As I type this, it’s 5:16 PM on Monday though… time to hit Publish and head to Pint Nite.