The Power House certainly is picking some interesting movies for its Midnight Matinee series

The Power House e-mailed me this week’s film for their Midnight Matinee series, to be held this Friday, July 17, doors opening at 11:15 PM. Hmmm the film choices they make certainly are interesting to say the least. I have a birthday party to attend that night, but based on their first two selections I may have to pay more attention to the Midnight Matinee series in the future… and I’m not even a movie person. Details of this Friday’s movie below.


Starring: Jess Weixler, John Hensley
Directed By: Mitchell Lichenstein
94 minutes; 2008; Rated R

In this horror black-comedy film, high school student Dawn works hard at suppressing her budding sexuality by being the local chastity group’s most active participant. A stranger to her own body, a forced sexual encounter causes innocent Dawn to discover she has a hidden curse– an adaptation– that may turn out to be an asset.