Scooter pics

Last night was the check-in for the Dead Elvis III scooter rally that is happening this weekend in Memphis.  The organizers invited me to come down to Calhoun’s and take some pics.








There were 27 scooters parked in front of Calhoun’s last night, according to one of the organizers.  They expect 50 this afternoon.  They’ve moved their meetup spot to Navy Park at Third and G.E. Patterson… I’m going to head down there about 3 this afternoon and take some more pics.

Hmmm that reminds me… years ago, I went to this club Downtown named Zot, and one of the regulars was a guy named Scooter who danced on the speakers and claimed to have been born with a vagina rather than a penis (thank goodness no one asked him to prove it).  I wonder if Scooter ever rode a scooter?

In other news… I found out that the new cigar bar on Second next door to Kooky Canuck has a website…

Speaking of Kooky Canuck – their Monday Night Football specials start this week… and they are… DRAT!!! I was sure I’d taken a pic of the poster listing their specials, but I guess not.  I’ll run by there today and find out.  Who else Downtown is running specials for MNF?  Let me know at

Time for a few hours on PokerStars… experimenting with changing up my starting hand requirements a little… even using flash cards to memorize which hands to play in which position.  Will be at Navy Park at 3 with the camera.  Plans after that are TBD.