Yay! Bardog is now on Twitter

Bardog Tavern is the latest Downtown restaurant to get on Twitter.  You can follow them at @bardogtavern_tn.

In the latest e-mail newsletter, Aldo said he isn’t sure exactly what he’s going to tweet.  Suggestion: Tweet the specials, the great food that Demitrie cooks up that isn’t on the regular menu!  The thing is, I don’t know what the specials are unless I happen to walk by and see them on the sandwich board outside.  But, usually I don’t walk by Bardog except when I’m walking to Bardog – that block of Monroe just isn’t on my usual path.  So the specials as they’re posted now don’t get me in the door any extra times.

On the other hand, if the specials were tweeted, I might think to myself, “Hmmm they have arrabiata pasta with sausage? I hadn’t meant to stop in there today, but it looks like now I have a plan for dinner.”  As good as Demitrie’s food is, it would surely get me in Bardog a few extra times, and I imagine other people too.  And then the $2.50 PBR would keep me around…