Fri update: Hogs #19, casting call for movie, Evernote, Foursquare and more

The USA Today Top 25 pre-season coaches’ poll is out, and I’m pleased to see the Arkansas Razorbacks in at number 19!  Hopefully the Hogs will move up once the season gets underway.  Here’s a link to the poll.

Want to be in the movies?  There’s a casting call for extras and speaking roles at Stop 345 Sunday from noon to 3.  They’re looking for ages 18-35.  The movie is centered around an ’80s punk band, so channel your inner ’80s punk.

I have to say how handy Evernote is for blogging.  I have it on my iPhone, MacBook, netbook and work computer, and it automatically syncs notes between all computers.  When I’m walking around Downtown and I see a banner for an event I want to blog about, I simply snap a pic with my iPhone’s camera and pull it into Evernote.  When I get home, the pic is waiting for me, and Evernote is even smart enough to make text within the pic searchable.

It’s useful for work too.  When I’m home and think of a good idea for something to do at work (because very few of my good ideas occur while sitting in a cubicle), I simply record it in Evernote and it’s waiting for me the next day.

Fun day yesterday.  Lunch with one of my buddies at the Majestic, then back to the Saucer for an afternoon of beer.  It was the last rooftop party, but I wasn’t in the mood for crowds so I decided to wander south to Calhoun’s and watch the end of the weekly poker tournament.  With rooftop season now over, I plan to return to Calhoun’s soon on a Thursday and dish out some whoopins on the poker table, so I took mental notes of people’s playing styles.  Mikey won, a seat opened up at the bar, and then Michelle called me down to the other end of the bar, where this happened:

Someone “iced” me.  These are the only people in the world from whom I’d tolerate that crap – “icing” is one of the stupidest things ever.  But since these are my friends, I played along and took a knee and drank it.  Thanks for selecting the apple flavor, guys.  You know how much I like apple.

Yesterday I found out that my picture is in Memphis Sport magazine this month.  I’m glad I’m finally starting to get the recognition I deserve as one of the Mid-South’s most prominent athletes.

As I type this, there’s a discussion occurring on Twitter about employees who work at public places, such as restaurants or bars, checking in on Foursquare.  “It takes away the glory of customer mayorships,” one person wrote, and I agree.  There’s one restaurant Downtown where the mayorship gets traded among three bartenders and servers every few days.  Management is missing an opportunity to learn who its most loyal customers are because of that.  Also, there’s no incentive for customers to make extra stops to check in.  I admit I’ve made a couple of extra stops by Bardog on the way home recently, trying to regain a recently-lost mayorship.  At the other restaurant, however, there’s no point in making extra stops, because I’m never gonna check in as much as someone who works there!

Got more stuff to blog about… commentary on last night’s election, my trip to the MIFA Store.  Maybe I’ll type some more this afternoon.