What’s for breakfast?

Emergency Eggsit breakfast burrito from Elliott’s at 16 S. Second.  Sausage, hashbrowns, onions, jalapenos, and of course eggs.  This is one of my favorite breakfasts Downtown.

I thought about going to Bardog for their breakfast burrito, which is just as good, but having not had my morning caffeine I was not in the most social mood.  So, I elected to buy a burrito from Elliott’s and take it home to eat.

Not sure what I’m going to do with my vacation day.  I don’t want to get to the bar until about 3, unless I find out that something particularly tasty is the Fire Sale.  Maybe I’ll fire up my PokerStars account for a little while.  Also, I notice that it’s only 81 outside at 9:30 AM, whereas most of this week it’s been in the mid 90s by this time.  Maybe I’ll go outside and take a walk.

Probably more posts to come.