Thur update: Skating rink at zoo, festival-related Groupon deal, MFM brunch at Sole

In case you’ve missed the numerous news announcements, the Memphis Zoo will have an outdoor skating rink from November 19 to January 31. Fees will be $6, or $5 if you bring your own skates. Zoo admission fees will also apply. It will be the first time Memphis has had an outdoor rink since 1976.

Groupon’s deal today is an appropriate one, with the Memphis Music & Heritage Festival coming up this weekend. Today’s Groupon deal is $20 worth of Memphis Music & Heritage Festival posters for $10.

Speaking of the festival: Have you seen the weather forecast? Little chance of rain, highs in the low-to-mid 80s, lows in the upper 50s and lower 60s. Perfect! I will be at the festival most of the time Saturday and Sunday, although this is one case where I wave my “no side trips” festival rule since the Flying Saucer is nearby. If you have not been to the Memphis Music & Heritage Fest, you really need to check it out – it features excellent regional music that spans all genres. Schedule here.

Sole Restaurant will have a brunch this Sunday benefitting Memphis Farmers Market. Food will include Neola Farms prime rib, Lauren Farm prawns, Delta Grind buckwheat biscuits, and jams from the Farmers Market. There will be music by Michelle Bush. Two seatings, 11:00 and 1:30. $35 per person. Call 901-334-5950 for reservations. Sole is only a 5-minute walk from the festival if you want to do both on Sunday.

It’s Thursday night, and that would normally mean defending my poker championship at Calhoun’s. However, plans have changed since I have learned that Dos Equis Lager is the Fire Sale at the Saucer!!!!! Therefore, that is where I will be this evening, squeezing limes into my beer, watching football, and listening to the Shugga Shane Band when they take the stage at 9:30.