Ahhh… I’m going to enjoy this Thursday update, which is not being typed from the confines of a cubicle on a lunch break. Let’s see what we’ve got…
Bon Ton Cafe is making a comeback. Mac Edwards posted on Facebook this morning, announcing that it will be open again in early 2011, and everyone is invited to “like” the cafe on Facebook to stay up to date on its progress. The breakfast/lunch restaurant on Monroe closed unexpectedly when the owner died two years ago. Being only 50, he hadn’t bothered to create a plan for keeping the restaurant going. Glad to hear it’s coming back, as that was one of my favorite meat-and-two lunch spots Downtown.
Another Downtown business is also on Facebook – Memphis Sounds Lounge, the blues lounge on Third Street sharing a building with A&R BBQ at Court. You can “like” them and receive news about the place. I’d tell you more, but when I try to pull up their page I get “An error occurred while processing your request” and a reference code. Damn Facebook sucks.
Shelton Clothiers is having a birthday party for its Pink Pig line of apparel! Wear your Pink Pig attire to the store between 5 and 9 PM Friday, October 1, and enjoy Squeal Street BBQ, wine, and Ghost River beer. Free food? Wonder if the Nuh-Uh Girl will show up. No alligators, whales, or polo players allowed. Don’t own any Pink Pig merchandise? Buy a T-shirt that night for $10, a hat for $15, or receive $10 off any knit. Ladies can wear their Pig apparel down the street at Christine by Shelton Clothiers for a 20% discount that evening.
A new vintage shop, Hoot + Louise, will have its grand opening at 109 G.E. Patterson tomorrow night during Trolley Night. A friend of the owner sent me some info about it. Here’s what she had to say:
Named for the owner’s grandmother, Hoot + Louise reflects the style and charm of Louise “Hoot” Williamson. “Hoot” is a one-of-a-kind woman, and her uniqueness serves as inspiration for the hand-selected items you’ll discover in this eclectic boutique. The feel at H+L is like granny’s living room, where old mingles with new and where everyone feels at home.
We encourage our customers to cozy up with a cup of tea and browse our carefully chosen vintage, new and handmade apparel, jewelry, accessories and gifts.
For years, Anna Avant has looted her grandmother’s home of its retro knick-knacks to add charm to her own Memphis home. A self-confessed shopaholic, Anna loves handmade apparel, unique jewelry and rare gifts. So when Anna left the corporate world to open a boutique, she hoped to bring to clients similar treasures to those shes taken from granny’s house. Except the buttermilk pie. Thats only for Anna.
I heard this afternoon that the mats the CCC ordered, which will mark zones Downtown where panhandling is permitted, have arrived and they will be out October 1. I am about to meet my friend Mike King at the Saucer… he has received details on where these mats will be placed.
Working on the Best of Memphis commentary, but it’s not done yet… perhaps tomorrow or this weekend I’ll get it up. Time for BEER! I like it when I get to do the entire 3-hour happy hour at the Saucer.