I haven’t done a “daily update” post in a while, so here ya go… Sunday update

Okay, I haven’t done an “update” post in a few days… don’t want to let it slide until Monday’s lunch break.  Let’s see what we’ve got…

There will be a wine tasting at Texas de Brazil Sunday, October 24 from 6:30 to 9 PM, to benefit the Porter-Leath Cornerstone program.  $35 per person to sample Sebastini wines and complimentary appetizers.  I have a feeling anything TdB puts out as a complimentary appetizer is bound to be yummy.  Space is limited, so if you want to go, RSVP to Teresa at 901-205-1234 or e-mail tdickerson@grizzlies.com.

If you own a scooter, the Memphis Kings scooter club is having a rally here the first week of November, known as Dead Elvis IV.  Several of my friends are actively involved in this and it appears to be a lot of fun.  Events for the weekend include a cookout at Max’s (formerly Calhoun’s), a ride to TJ Mulligan’s for live music, a ride to Sun Studio and the Old Millington Winery, a scooter judging, gymkhana, and an awards ceremony.  If you live in the region and own a scooter, you should consider coming to this.  Should be a fun weekend.  You can RSVP through the link provided.

I’ve received several e-mails asking me if/when Downtown Olympics is happening this year.  There was some initial confusion, but now they have settled on a date, Saturday, October 16.  I’m not involved in this event, so the best way to stay in tune with the latest details is to search for “Downtown Olympics 2010” on Facebook and respond as “I’m attending” or “maybe.”  There’s also contact info for the event organizers on the page, if you want to contact them about entering a team.

The Memphis Business Journal reports that Downtown entrepreneur Carl Winfield is expanding his business.  He’s outgrown the space he’s in, so he’s going to keep his current location as a shoe store, while moving his clothing business to a location two doors down the street.  The new shop should be open by November.  Congratulations to Carl – outgrowing your location is the kind of problem to have.  Check out his store(s) if you haven’t already – really nice shoes, dress shirts, and club shirts, less expensive than what you’d find elsewhere Downtown.

Interesting idea that was mentioned to me this weekend… I ran into a couple of people at the Warehouse party last week who were actively involved in MPACT Memphis the same time I was, approximately 2002-04 or as I call the period, “the Doug Bacon years.”  A comment was made that maybe we should have a reunion for people who were active in the organization during that time… it was a great crew, and we’ve all moved on to other pursuits in life and rarely get to see each other.  Any interest in this?  Let me know – if so maybe we can make it happen.

That’s the news for now… it’s a big Sunday Fun Day.  Two people who have made Downtown a fun place to be this summer, Air Traffic Mike and Christiaan, will be enjoying their last Sunday Fun Day in Memphis for a while.  Time to send them off with a proper farewell.  And by proper farewell, I mean, beer.