Sun update: Winter Warmer review, ticket panhandler, cheap Kooky beer, Cardinals Caravan tonight

Winter Warmer beer fest at Central Station was pretty good. I’d estimate that 60% of the beers were ones not available anywhere in Memphis, even at locations like Raffe’s that specialize in beer. Crowd was good also… wow there were a lot of hot women there. Whoever marketed this festival, congrats on drawing a good crowd. There was even one tube top dress there. In January. If you’re reading this blog, you, ma’am, have incredible fashion sense.

Tastings were only one ounce, which is the smallest I’ve seen at a beer fest, but it was because a lot of the beers were high in alcohol and they wanted to avoid people getting completely hammered. I got to try Dogfish Head World Wide Stout, an 18% beer that was actually quite good. Also some excellent beers by Rogue, Avery and Sweetwater.

Winter Warmer sold out and the Nuh-Uh Girl was unsuccessful trying to find a ticket at the last minute. So she had to sit at home and read about it on Twitter, which I guess kind of makes her the Bruce Pearl of Winter Warmer. She said on Twitter that she waits until the last minute to find tickets to these things because it allows her to be more flexible. Translation: “Maybe someone will have a ticket they can’t use and give it to me for free.”

In other news… it’s 99 cent Bud Light Draft day at Kooky Canuck, as an early celebration of MLK Day.

Don’t forget that tonight is Cardinals Caravan at AutoZone Park. This will be a meet-and-greet with current Redbirds players, former Cardinals players, and Cardinals staff. Program starts at 6:30, but better get there early to get a seat. The event is free and there will be complimentary hot dogs and drinks. Free food? Wonder if the Nuh-Uh Girl will show up.

Other stuff going on today: Memphis Jazz Orchestra rehearses at Alfred’s from 6 to 9; Jazz Jam at Earnestine & Hazel’s from 8 to 11; FreeWorld at Blues City, 10:30.