Tue update: The Great Food Truck Race, CY Beerfest has new site, WordPress scores a coup, and more

So, today it was revealed that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a baby daddy. Maria Shriver left him because he fathered a child with his housekeeper. Attn Arnold: If you need any advice on being a baby daddy, we have a former mayor who is an expert. I don’t have his number, but just show up at Piccadilly Cafeteria in Whitehaven around lunchtime and you’re likely to find him.

The Food Network’s The Great Food Truck Race will be in Memphis tomorrow. Prediction: Tomorrow is about to become a vacation day for the Nuh-Uh Girl.

Cooper-Young Beerfest has a new website. I’ve been to several beer festivals in Memphis that were quite good, but Cooper-Young is the best one. The date is October 15, from 1 to 5 PM in the Lifelink parking lot.

Ques Brothers team sponsor WordPress announced a big score today: Major League Baseball is moving to WordPress. Now that’s what I call WINNING.

(By the way, I absolutely HATED the whole “WINNING” thing until last Friday night. Now I’ve used it in two consecutive posts)

My attorney friends might enjoy reading today’s featured Wikipedia article on the CSI effect.

Stuff going on tonight: Trivia nights at Ferraro’s Pizzeria & Pub (8 PM) and Flying Saucer (7 PM); half yards of beer for $5 at Bar None; pint night at Bardog from 7 PM to 3 AM, all pint drafts $3. Also, Bardog will be drawing for two tickets to Bon Jovi tonight at 10; get an entry into the drawing each time you buy a Miller Lite bottle.